Chapter 29

Saturday, a sound of whistling wind along with a smothered sand in the air wake everyone up, they all slept on the terrace waiting patiently as the TV room responded that Elena would be back today. A small jet landed on the sand, and a woman in a suit came down with a child..? A falcon looking young man was in front of her, wearing a white long sleeves, hands on his pocket of his shorts and glancing around them, giving everyone a mischievous smile. He had a dark red hair slanted back to his head and some that perk out from the sides of his neck. His deep blue eyes gleamed as his sharp brows wrinkle a bit when he stared at them.

"Where"s he?" he asked looking back to Elena as he tilt his head up to meet Elena's gaze. "My princess didn"t come down?" he avert his gaze, looking at everyone exactly at their eyes, scrutinizing the depth of they're soul as he judge them in category in his mind.