I can tell we're wearing him down.
I know that because he pulled out new daggers, but these were different.
They're curved, almost hook like, and black and shiny. Glistening with their deadly poison overcoat. They were attached to him with laces up his arms so his hands and claws were still useful.
My heightened vision zeroed in on the new, especially deadly weapons, and they glared back.
My fangs grew even further out of my gums instinctually, as my senses registered the new threat.
"Get back!" I told the group. "They're poisoned. If you get one cut you're dead."
They all held their ground, poised to attack.
Stupid idiots.
Why do I make friends with heroes? They always pull sh*t like this.
I'm aware I'm a hypocrite. You don't have to tell me. Just let me complain.