Hailey Anderson
Am I dreaming?
I'm kissing Luke Hastington right now.. like he's the one who kissed me first. Please tell me that I'm not dreaming please.
"Welcome to the club dude." Luke stopped and I turned to Max who was smirking like crazy. They saw us kissing. I bit my lips and I bet my cheeks turned red already. I hid my face with my hands.
"At last." I heard Rose said.
"I told you." Janet said.
"Welcome to the whipped club.. we should change our group name." Alex stupidly suggested.
"Whipped Gold Life." Angel said and Sophia laughed.
"Not going to happen as long I still here." I heard Kenneth said.
"S***! 5 out of 7." Sebastian cursed.
"Can't wait for the punishment." Aaron said. What? Punishment for what?
"Let's just get out from here." Luke took my hand and I looked at him shock.
"Bye Hailey.. use protection." Janet said.
"Shut it." Luke said coldly.