Chapter 12

Jacob William

I'm back in New York this morning and I went straight to my office to work. Edna gave me some details about my schedule and I started to check on some contracts and files before going on a meeting.

"I need my coffee." I pressed the intercom to Edna and I leaned my body back to my chair. I closed my eyes and it automatically gave me a replay of the kiss yesterday. It's been hunting me since last night, that's why I have eye bags.

I didn't expect her to kiss me because I thought he was only going to teach me not to be awkward but her lips were so addicting. Her lips tasted like cherry and it made me want more. It was hard not to see her lips every time she talks and not to mention that I can see her body clearly under that drenched white tank top.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked myself.