Chapter 22

Catherine Ashton

"Which one do you like the best?" I asked Jacob.

"I like the chocolate one and the red velvet one." He said as he pointed the two cakes with the fork. I nodded and I looked at the cakes in front of me, completely confused which one to decide because everything is so good.

"How about you?" Jacob asked me.

"I like the chocolate and this one." I said as I pointed at the vanilla cake.

"We can mix the two if you want." I turned to Melinda who's in charge to help us with the cake tasting.

"Really? Well.. what do you think?" I turned to Jacob and he nodded.

"Please don't make it too sweet though.. The chocolate one is a little bit too sweet." I said and she wrote it down right away.

"Anything else, Ms. Ashton?"

"No. How about you babe?" I turned to Jacob.