Chapter 3

Tatiana Kamerie

"Don't talk to me!" I pushed Eric away and took my luggage out from my apartment.

"Tatiana.. listen to-"

"Listen? Listen? You agreed about me marrying that bastard? Are you crazy?" I bursted angrily at him.

"Tatiana.. listen to me.. listen to me.." He grabbed both of my hands forcing me to listen to him. I pulled my hands away from him and took my luggage with me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from all of you!" I hissed as I walked into the lift. I pressed the L button and closed the lift door. I walked out from the lift and my eyes widened to see Deandre standing there leaning to the wall. He smirked at me and then he walked to me.

"Going somewhere, Tatiana?" He asked.

"Just leave me alone." I said as I walked past him. He caught my wrist and I turned to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're my fiance remember?" He said as he pointed at the ring. I sighed and I know I can't run away like this but I need time to process everything. Yesterday was a really crazy day for me.. I can't believe that my dad sold me to this bastard and then my own fiance agreed that I should marry this crazy sick bastard and then divorce him after my company get enough money to pay him back.

"Can I.. can I go to LA for 2 days? I promise I will be back here."

"No." He said coldly.

"Tatiana!" I turned my head to see Eric walking towards me and Deandre.

"What the heck is she doing here?" I turned my head to Deandre when he said that. Did he just say she?

"Let's just go.. you're moving into my house." Deandre took my hand but I stopped him. I pulled my hand from his grip.

"Tatiana.." Eric caught my wrist.

"What is she doing here?" Deandre asked in a cold tone and it made Eric turn to him.

"You! You rui-" I stood in front of Eric when he was about to punch Deandre. I glared at him hard.

"Tatiana.. look."

"Don't even think about talking to me.. we're done." I said straight to his face. I walked out from the building and turned my head to Deandre.

"Where's your car?" I asked him. I turned to the valet chauffeur and the chauffeur ran to take his car. He walked towards me and stood beside me.

"I don't want to marry you." I stated and I turned to him. He ignored me and all I want to do know is to kill him. My phone rang and I took it out of my bag. It's my dad and I turned my phone off.

When the car came right in front of us, Deandre walked to his driver side and I opened the passenger seat by myself. It's not that I want him to open the door for me but he's acting like a cold jerk. I threw my luggage to the back and put my seatbelt on. He started to drive away..

"Where are we going?" I asked and he ignored me once again. I asked him once again but he ignored me.. again. What's his problem?

His phone rang and he put on his ear piece on accepting the call.

"Hey buddy." He smiled when he said that. I can't believe my eyes to see him being cold and then he turned into another person in a split second. Oh god..

"No.. I'm off to somewhere. Yeah.. I'll just see you at dinner.. Hey Crystal.." Crystal? He knows her?

"Okay.. I'll see you at dinner, L. Bye!" He ended the call and threw his ear piece back to the small drawer.

"You know Crystal? Okay if you don't want to answer that.. at least can you tell me where we're going? Are you trying to kidnap me? Deandre Romeo!" I asked and he suddenly stopped his car on the side of the road. He turned to me with his cold eyes and vibe.

"Do you always ask this many questions?" He asked as he leaned closer to me. My eyes stuck on his and I leaned backwards. I gulped nervously and suddenly he pressed the open button of my seatbelt. He smirked and opened his seatbelt. He opened the door and got out from the car.

I took a breath of relief and got out from the car. I closed the door and he immediately locked the car. He gestured to me to follow him and I walked to him. He lead me to a.. wedding dress store. I was speechless. He gestured to me to enter the store first and I entered it.

"Good afternoon, what can we do for you?"

"I want you to find the perfect wedding dress for her." Deandre said in a cold tone and I looked at him disbelief.

"Let us talk for a second." I said to the employees and they leave us alone. I turned to Deandre.

"What's with all this?"

"You and I will get married in a month." He said simply like it was nothing.

"What? Look! I can't marry you! I don't love you and I don't even know you!" I hissed coldly and looked around because I don't want other people to hear my private conversation with him.

"Do I look like I care?" He raised his eyebrows and I was kore than speechless to face this jerk.

"Do you want my dad's company that bad?" I asked and he ignored me. He walked inside and gestured to the employees to help me find a wedding dress.

I tried to look around the store and glanced secretly at Deandre once in a while. I'm planning to run away because I don't want to deal with Deandre nor my dad nor Eric now. I hate all of them. They all treated me like trash.

"I'm smart enough to know that you're trying to runaway, Tatiana. Runaway from here.. You will see your dad and Eric in the street without a piece of clothes to cover them." He said in a cold tone and I looked up to the ceiling.

"What have I done?"