Chapter 22

Tatiana Kamerie

I walked back into the house and took off my high heels. I walked into our room and took a shower. I'm tired. I walked out and wore my PJs. I turned off all the lights and sat on the bed. I looked at the window blankly.

"What exactly are you planning, Deandre?" I said and sighed. I put the back of my hand on my forehead and I felt I have a cold. I got into the blanket and wrapped my body with the blanket. I closed my eyes trying to sleep.

Not long after that.. I heard that Deandre walked in. I felt he put his hand on my forehead. He pulled my blanket higher and then walked away. I felt Deandre put a warm handkerchief on my forehead. He put me warm socks on so I won't feel cold. He heard he enter the bathroom and I opened my eyes. I looked at the socks and the handkerchief on my head. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep not long after that.

I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. When I was going to take my phone on the table beside the bed.. There's a box of chicken soup and medicine right beside it. I got up and walked out of my room. I found 2 maids currently vacuuming the hallway.

"Good morning, Mrs. Romeo."

"Do you see my husband?" I asked.

"He went to work, Mrs. Romeo." She said and I nodded. I walked back into the room and sat on the floor eating the chicken soup. I felt my body still burning and I feel my head spinning.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door.

"Mrs. Romeo, there's a doctor downstairs to check on you."

"I didn't call-"

"Mr. Romeo did." She smiled and I nodded. I walked down and there's doctor waiting for me. She introduced herself and then she started to check on me. She said that I need to rest and drink a lot of vitamins. She gave me medicine and it made me sleepy. I went back to bed right away.

I woke up and turned my head to take my home.. I found 7 bottles of juices. I was speechless. I walked out to call my maid and asked who bought me the juices.

"Who bought all this?" I asked.

"Mr. Romeo came by for a few minutes and then he went back to his office again." The doctor must have told him about my condition. I walked back to my room and decided to call Deandre.

"Hello?" I heard he pick it up but there's no sound.

"What?" I asked in a cold tone as always.

"Thanks." I said and then he just ended the call. I looked at the screen disbelief and sighed. Suddenly Eric called me and I picked it up.


"Hey T.. you don't sound good."

"I catch a cold." I said.

"Oh that's bad.. have you eat medicine?"

"Yeah.. I did."

"You need a lot of sleep, you're exhausted."

"I will, so why did you call?" I asked.

"Just missing you.. Do you want to have dinner together?" He asked.


"Pizza." I'm sick and you want me to eat pizza with you? Are you nuts? My eyes landed on the bottles of juices.

"I'm sick, Eric." I said emphasizing the word sick.

"Right right.. have a lot of rest." He said.

"Okay." He ended the call and I put my phone on the table. I decided that I want to take a long hot bath in the tub. I started to fill the water with hot water and put on the bath bomb.

There's a knock on the door and I opened it. I found my maid giving me a box of food.

"Mr. Romeo gave this earlier.. he said that the doctor will come again tonight to make sure you're okay." The maid said and I smiled nodding. I took the plastic from her and checked what's inside.

It's a porridge..

I put it on the table and walked to the bathroom. I got into the tub and felt the hot warm water on my skin. I sat there and leaned my head back. I closed my eyes enjoying the smell and the warmth.

"Pizza?" I said to myself.

"Pizza?" I repeat again. I scoffed disbelief remembering what Eric said. He's so funny. I took a long bath and then got out from it. I dried myself and put my PJ on. I walked out from the bathroom to sleep again. I really need a lot of sleep.

"Tatia- she's sleeping." I heard Deandre's voice.

"It's okay.. I can check her temperature and then go." That's the doctor who checked me earlier. I felt something get into my ear.

"It's still pretty high." The doctor said.

"Let's just take her to the hospital." Deandre said and the doctor chuckled lightly.

"You don't need to worry too much, Mr. Romeo. It's just a cold and she will get better soon if she gets enough sleep and eats a lot of vitamins." Thank God.. At least I'm not dying.

"Okay then.. is her condition better than this morning?"

"We can't see the progress because she's sleeping. I'll check on her again tomorrow morning."

"Thankyou." Deandre said. I felt he sat beside me checking on my temperature again. He put a warm handkerchief on my forehead again and the warm socks again. He sat beside me again.

"Get well soon, wife.."