Chapter 26

Deandre Romeo

I looked at the tomb of my mom and dad blankly and sighed. I miss them.. so much. I put the flowers in front of the tomb and walked back towards my car. I drove back towards my house to rest for a little bit since I have been working a lot these days.

I got out from my car and walked into the house. My body froze when I saw Tatiana standing at the balcony looking at the view. I walked towards her immediately.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a cold tone. She turned to me smiling sweetly.

"I know you always have nightmares when you're here." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be in New York?" I asked.

"I heard my husband here alone so why not.. besides I love the view." She said as I turned her head back to the view.

"I'm going back to New York again tonight."

"Okay." She said and I was planning to walk inside but Tatiana stopped me by my arm. I looked at her hand and then turned my head to her. I raised my eyebrows.

"Can I hug you?" She suddenly asked which is weird.

"I'm not Eric."

"I'm not drunk, Deandre." She said in a sarcastically.

"Oh really.. I thought you are since you're here." I said and I was going to get back into my house but she slipped her arms around my hips fast. She hugged me tightly. I was just standing there blankly.

"I love the kitchen." She said.

"It's not ready yet and how did you even know?" I asked.

"I accidentally listened to your conversation with someone talking about the kitchen."

"Oh." That was my only reaction. I pushed her body away from me and walked inside. I walked towards my room and threw myself to the bed. I closed my eyes right away and fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and checked my phone right away. Wow I slept for almost 5 hours and I have to go to the airport in an hour. I was going to get up but I felt someone clinging on my arm. I turned to see Tatiana sleeping beside me with her hugging my arm.

I turned to her and was planning to wake her up but hearing her soft snore making me throw away the intention to wake her up. Last sunday, I already took down a small percentage of Kamerie's throne and next week will be another small percentage. I don't feel sorry at all besides he's a really mean guy. I feel bad for Tatiana to have a greedy man as her dad.

I took her phone away from her hand and when I almost put it on the table. It showed the screen since a notification came in. My eyes widen to see her phone wallpaper.. it was our wedding photos. I put it down on the table and turned my head to her disbelief.

I got up slowly and pushed her arm away from me. I walked out from my room and went down to the living room. I walked towards the pool and sat on the bench beside the pool. I looked at the water reflects the moonlight. My dad used to love seeing this and I miss seeing it with him.

"Don't worry dad.. I'm getting there. I'm so close to throw James away for you." I mumbled and sighed. I took out my necklace that my mom and dad gave me when I was 6. It's an initial of my name, I.X. Yes, my real name is Ian Xander. I chose to not me Ian Xander when I got into the mafia world and I didn't regret that. I can access James so easily since he doesn't know the real me. Turning my name in Deandre Romeo wasn't easy for me either but I don't have any choice.

I put my necklace inside my shirt again and walked back inside. I should get ready to fly back to New York. I walked up to my room and found Tatiana still sleeping. I walked towards my said and sat down on my bed looking at Tatiana. I took her hand and caressed it.

'One day.. If I will do something bad to you and your dad, I hope one day.. you can forgive me. I just want you to forgive me once for everything that I will do to you and your dad. Sooner or later everything will change, you will hate me and you will try to fight me and I will never show mercy to anyone even you.'

She slowly opened her eyes and she smiled looking at me.

"We have to catch a plane in an hour." I said in a soft tone and she nodded.

"I'll pack the luggage and then we can go." She said and I nodded. I let her hand go and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

"Deandre." Tatiana called me when I put my hand on the door knob.

"You okay?" She asked and I turned to her nodding. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself to the mirror.

"Why suddenly I want you to forgive me later on?" I asked myself and I sighed. I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower with a lot of things going inside my head. I took a quick shower and then dried myself. I walked out with the same clothes as before. I saw no Tatiana inside the room and I just packed my luggage. I walked downstairs and gave the luggage to my man.

"Here." Tatiana suddenly came to me with a sandwich on her hand.

"Your stomach is growling." She said and I took it.

"Thanks." I said looking at it.

"Eat it.. After that we can go to the airport."

"Yeah." I nodded and then she walked towards the living room.

"Forgiveness? I don't even deserve her forgiveness later on." I mumbled.