Chapter 39

Tatiana Kamerie

"GOAL!!!" I jumped from the sofa and looked at Deandre sticking tongue out. We're currently playing Fifa and he lost.

"I'm a pro."

"You're lying when you said this is your first time right?" He looked at me glaring.

"Babe.. this is my first time.." I said smiling sweetly and he rolled his eyes. He plopped his body to the sofa and I chuckled.

"Oh come on.. don't be mad at me. I am just my new talent you know.. just in case if my modelling career goes wrong." I said as I plopped beside him linking my arm with him. He turned to me and looked at me in disbelief.

"New talent?" He raised his eyebrows and I chuckled nodding. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Deandre told whoever was behind that door to come in. His maid brought us the pizza and in and out. I squealed in happiness.

"Thankyou." I said to the maid and she smiled. She walked out from the room and I turned to Deandre gesturing him to sit on the ground.

"Let's watch Mamamia.." I said and he nodded. I turned the movie on and Deandre sat beside me taking one slice of the pizza. I turned to him and just smiled like an idiot.

"You're being creepy."

"You don't know how happy I am right now.." I said and he just munched his pizza.

"Deandre.. Let's celebrate every anniversary starting from now. 1 year.. 2 years.. 3 years.. 5 years.. 10 years.." I said and he just nodded.

"You know.. I'm so excited to spend my whole life with you." I said as I bite my pizza.

"Oh.. I have a dream.. a song to sing.." I sang just like the movie.

"Don't sing.. your voice will break the glass." Deandre commented and I can't believe he just said that. I turned to him and smacked his arm hard.

"You're an asshole.."

"What? I'm being honest.." He said and I glared at him hard. He just smirked and continue to eat his pizza.

"I hate you." I mumbled as I took a bite of my pizza again.

"I like this song.." Deandre said and I turned to see it's the Honey, Honey song. I chuckled.

"What?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You're weird.." I said and he dropped his pizza. He took my hand and pulled me to his lap.

"Honey, honey.." He tried to sing and I laughed my ass off because his expression. He held both of my hand and shimme shimmy in front of me. I laughed a lot.

"I'm a better singer than you."

"That's why I love you." I said as I touched his nose.

"Good to know." He smirked.

"Gosh.. You don't know how much I miss you.. It's killing me. Don't you ever think about leaving me again.. you will die." I said and he just smiled.

"Money.. money.. money.." He sang again and I laughed again.

"You're so cute.. I want to punch you." I said as I cupped his face.

"Thankyou.. I know I'm cute." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I leaned my head to kiss him but he put his index finger on lips.

"Money.. money.. money." He sang again and I pinched him. He groaned in pain and I crashed my lips to his. He kissed me back right away.

"Money.. mon-" He tried to sing between our kisses and I smacked his arm.

"Shut it!" I hissed and he chuckled. I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes. I love the feeling when I can feel his heartbeat against mine and feel his breathing.

"Do you miss me that much? I don't miss you." He said and I just stayed silent.

"So you clinging to me and sleep now? I want to sing and dance." He protested.

"Shut up.." I said.

"You're bossy."

"I notice that."

"Oh okay."

"I love when you're being talkative."

"Well.. thankyou for the sarcasm."

"It's a compliment." I pinched him.

"Why are you being so violent?" He hissed as he grabbed my butt.

"Deandre!" I sat up straight looking at him disbelief.

"What?" He wiggled his eyebrows. Suddenly his phone rang and I took it from the table. It's Lucas. He picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hey Lucas." I greeted him.

"Hey Tatiana.. is my boyfriend there?" I chuckled.

"I can't believe my husband cheated on me with you."

"Why? We always love each other before even I met Crystal."

"Hey boyfriend." Deandre greeted him.

"Oh baby.. I miss you." Lucas said in a girly tone.

"Lucas Vecton! You burned my pancake if you keep talking to your boyfriend!" I heard Crystal protesting at the back.

"I won't.. geez woman.. calm down." Lucas said.

"She's on her period." Lucas whispered.

"I heard that!" I laughed hearing Crystal.

"So boyfriend.. uhmm.. do you want to have late lunch with me?"

"No.. we're having our 7th month anniversary!" I hissed coldly.

"Baby.. you know I miss you." Lucas said in a girly tone.

"I will kill you." I said coldly.

"You heard my wife, Vecton." Deandre said.

"You cheater!" Lucas said in a girly tone and pretended to cry.

"I want to escape from my wife.. she has been torturing me. Why did I marry this woman?"

"Let's divorce then!" I heard Crystal in the background.

"Deandre baby.. Can I crash your house tonight?"

"If you dare.. I will kill you before you even pass my gate."

"Sorry Lucas.. you heard my wife."

"I can't believe you pick her over me." He pretended to cry in a girly tone and Deandre just ended the call.

"He's weird."

"He's like that everytime Crystal's on her period." Deandre said and I laughed.

"You two are so weird."

"Thanks.. I love him." I looked at him in disbelief and I got off him.

"What?" He asked me completely clueless

"Just eat your pizza!" I hissed coldly.

"Oh god.. you're on your period too huh?" I smacked his head with a pillow. He's clueless.. I want the L word to come out from his mouth for me. What took him so long? Ugh!