Tatiana Kamerie
I landed in New York with a lot of paparazzi shoving their cameras and mics to my face. They asked me a ton of questions about my relationship with Deandre. I just wore my sunglasses and let my bodyguards shoved them away. I got into the car and asked my chauffeur to go straight to my dad's office.
It has been 2 months since I stayed in Bora-bora but now I'm ready to come back to reality after running away for a while. I checked my notifications and decided to ignore everything related to me on the news.
As soon as I arrived at my dad's place.. there's a lot of police. It made me confuse and I walked into the building. I pressed the lift button and when the lift door opened.. my dad was arrested.
"Dad! What happened?" I asked completely confuse about the situation. My dad looked at me with hate and anger.
"Dad!" I called but the police shove me to the side. I ran towards my dad again and tried to stop the police from bringing him away.
"Dad.. what happened?" I asked.
"Ask your husband!" He bursted like a maniac and the police dragged him away. I was speechless and ran out to talk to my dad but the police already push him inside the car. I called my lawyer Rector right away to know what's wrong.
"Yes, Ms. Kamerie."
"What happen to my dad? Why is he arrested?"
"Mr. Romeo.. he.. took out his parents' murder case out and file it to the court again." Rector said and my body froze. I was speechless.
"Do you know about this?"
"I just knew about it yesterday, maam."
"Meet me at the office." I said and ended the call. I took a really deep breath and can't believe this is happening. I decided to call Crystal.
"Crystal.. Deandre is-"
"I know. I heard the news this morning." She said in a sad tone.
"What's going on?" I asked completey clueless.
"Where are you? I'll go there and tell you everything." She said and my brain won't function. I found myself putting the phone down and I tried to walk towards the lift. My legs were too weak to keep me stand straight. I leaned to the wall and Crystal called me again but I turned off the phone. I pressed the lift button and walked into the lift.
"Tatiana!" Crystal stopped the door from closing with her hand. She looked at me sadly and I bursted out crying when I saw her. She hugged me right away and pressed the office floor.
"I'm sorry." She said as she patted my back and I cried big time. I can't believe my dad did that to Deandre's parents. She led me to my dad's office and I sat on the sofa. She tried to calm me down and gave me tissues.
"What happened actually?" I asked while sobbing and she just hugged me.
"Crystal." I want explanation.
"I don't think it's my place to tell you the truth." She said.
"You need to tell me something.. I'm the dumbest person here!" I bursted and she sighed.
"Your dad.. killed Deandre's parents." My heart crushed into pieces hearing. I looked at Crystal blankly.
"I just knew about it yesterday. I'm sorry." She said.
"I need to see Deandre." I said to her and she shook her head.
"Don't.. The situation is not good now." Crystal tried to hold me when I was trying to push her away. I pressed the L button but Crystal pressed the nearest floor and the lift opened on the 12th floor.
"I need to see Deandre." I said looked at Crystal with tears in my eyes. Everything hit me like a tornado.. I really can't handle this.
"Crystal.. please.. please take me to Deandre." I held both of her hands and she hugged me. I bursted into tears right away. I can't believe this is happening to me right now.
"I'm sorry." She whispered.
"I need to see him."
"Okay.. I'll take you there." She said and I nodded weakly. She linked her arm to mine and we went down to the lobby. We walked out from the lobby and got into the car.
I kept looking outside and biting my lips. There's a lot of thoughts in my mind about this situation. I don't know what to do or what to say to Deandre about my dad. I can't believe my dad is capable of killing someone because I always thought that he's a really great dad but he's not. He made me realize that when he sold me to Deandre. He gave me away just for money.
"Tatiana.. I don't think seeing him now is a great idea."
"I have to see him." I said completely don't care. I really need to see him. Crystal drove towards the Deandre's office but saw a lot of reporters there which is not good. She drove towards the back of the building.
"Go.. He's on his office with Lucas" She said and I got out from the car. I quickly ran inside and sneaked into the lift. I pressed Deandre's floor number and the lift went up.
I closed my eyes and started to prepare my heart for this. I took a really deep breath and looked at the numbers going up. It stopped at Deandre's floor and I walked out from the lift. I gulped nervously and walked towards his office.
I knocked on the door twice and I heard Deandre said come in. I opened the door slowly and his eyes widen when he saw me. Lucas got up from his seat and smiled softly at me. He walked out from the room leaving me and Deandre alone.
"What do you want? Don't even think that I will let your dad go.." He asked in a really cold tone. I almost don't recognize him for that.
"No." I said.
"Then what?"
"I just want to say I'm sorry. I know the word sorry won't take your back your parents and I won't even beg you to forgive my dad or take the case back. Do whatever you want to do with him.. put him to jail or take everything that he has.. the company and everything." I said as I looked down to the ground. I don't even dare to look at him in the eye.
"Good because I'm not planning to." He said.
"Once again.. I'm sorry."
"Sign the divorce paper." He said as he took out the divorce paper. I looked up to him and looked at him straight into his eyes. He put the paper on the desk along with a pen. I kneeled down and read the divorce paper. Tears started to piling up in my eyes and I took a really deep breath.
"Sign it! I'm getting married soon!" He bursted sngrily at me and I put the paper down and sighed.
I took the pen and signed the divorce paper slowly. I still can't believe that I'm signing this. I vowed not to sign it but now here I am signing it. I got up and turned my head to Deandre.
"Once again.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I know my family will have to deal with the sin for a lifetime and I'm okay with it. You lost your parents because of my dad and I will do the same thing if I were you." I said and he took the divorce paper and walked towards his desk.
"Get out and never comeback here again." He said.
"Goodbye.. Deandre."