Chapter 52

Ian Xander

"My Tatiana!" Crystal hugged Tatiana tightly and then she hugged Lucas as well. I hugged Lucas briefly and then I hugged Crystal too. Me and Tatiana sat in front of the Vectons and we ordered our dinner first.

"Good to have you back, Andre."

"You still call him Deandre?" Tatiana asked.

"He mixed it every time.. sometimes Ian sometimes Deandre." Crystal said.

"Just Ian.. you idiot." I said to Lucas and he smirked.

"At last.. he had been looking at you as a shadow all this time."

"Huh?" Tatiana looked at Lucas confused.

"Ian here always stays around you all the time. Like every time you went for a drink, he's in that room too. He's around you all the time.. what a.. you know coward." Lucas smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes. Suddenly Crystal pulled his ear.

"Look at the mirror. You were a coward for 3 years while he's only doing it for 2 months." Crystal said, making me and Tatiana laughed.