Chapter 34

Ray's POV

'What!' My parents both asked at the same time, looking at the three of us dumbly. That is until Ava held out the hyper realistic mask and the photo.

I swear mum gasped, her face turning pale as if she had seen a ghost. Dad hang his head in shame running his hands on his hair repeatedly.

They both looked at Ava with pleading faces. As if feeling their eyes on her...she looked up at my mum for the first time since she stepped feet in the hotel room.

'Is it true? ' Ava questioned, throwing the two items at my mother, hitting her square on the chest.

My mum blundered uncertainly with her words, eyes shifting in all directions. I had never seen my mum shot of words, she always had words to say no matter what.

'It's time Ren, they deserve to know the truth. ' Dad squeezed her shoulders. She put her right hand on top of his, a defeated sigh leaving her mouth.'Okay, follow me. ' She shamefully muttered, her gaze not meeting ours.