Chapter 41

Third Person's POV

'Oh my! that necklace is amazingly beautiful honey! ' Eve gushed in happiness, rushing to her daughter to embrace her. She squeezed her petite body into her arms, smiling widely.

'And you look even more dashing with the jewel around your neck! ' Renata jumped right in the conversation, hugging Ava too.

'You're crowding her personal space women. ' Reynard chuckled, calling the two women back to the dining table. He was calm as always, leaning back on his chair with a visible smile.

'Congratulations Ava, my sons know how to choose. ' Reynard added, throwing a nod to Ava and a thumbs up to the men that had caught his niece's eyes.

'Na ah..correction Mr Reynard, your former sons. ' Ray spoke to his father, waving his index finger in the air.