Chapter 8 Chapter 8

I got a ride the following day from my mom as my car was at the garage. I met my friends in the parking lot and we walked to class.

"Hey Dylan, how is your mother?" Amber asked as we entered the school building.

"Well, she is better. She is at home now. She got the rest of the week off." Dylan responded.

"I'm glad to hear." Amber said.

"Yeah, she will get back to her baking. I know how much she loves to do that." I interjected. Dylan nodded his head in agreement and we all walked to our different classes.

"Jessica, why is Ethan constantly staring at you?" Amber asked, as we were eating our lunch in the cafeteria.

"What?" I asked as I turn around to the right of the room where Ethan would sit with a bunch of other students. Amber was right. Ethan was indeed staring at me. I lifted both my eyebrows at him and he winked at me.

"Ohh girl. It seems like you are getting steamy with the hottie." Dylan said wriggling his eyebrows.

I glared at Dylan. "Dylan, please don't." I warned.

"I'm just saying, girlfriend. He seems like he's into you." Dylan said and Amber nod her head in agreement.

"Oh please. He is not interested in me. Ethan is interested in everybody. He just gets his knacks out of annoying me." I said, looking at my friends as if they were crazy.

"That's not how we see it." Amber shook her head and gave me a creepy smile.

"Exactly, I don't see him staring at anyone else. Do you see him staring at anybody else, Amber?" Dylan asked.

"Nope." Amber said shaking her head. Dylan grinned and then started making kissing sounds and pointing in Ethan's direction. I leaned over the table and smacked him on the head.

"Cut it out." I glared at him once again. He just grinned at me teasingly. "I hate you, you know that right?"

"But you love me." Dylan said grinning.

I shake my head at him. "You and Amber really need to get out of your fairytale land." I looked over at Ethan's seat again and saw that he was no longer looking in my direction. Thank God for that. I turned back around and saw Amber and Dylan sharing a secret smile. I rolled my eyes and ignore them.

The bell rang for lunch period to end and my friends and I were walking to our next class. I saw Ramona walking in the other direction and she grinned when she saw us.

"Hey Jessica. Long time don't see." She said, as she stopped in front of us. A fake smile playing on her lips.

"What is your problem? Why don't you leave Jessica alone?" Dylan intervened. Ramona turned her head in Dylan's direction. She looked him up and down.

"Who is this clown?" She asked wriggling her nose in disgust.

"The only clown here is you, Ramona. Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Amber snickered. "I mean, it's only a clown that wears that amount of makeup."

"You mind your business, Amber. I'm not afraid of you." Ramona pointed her perfectly manicured nails in Amber's direction. She then turned back to me. "How is practice coming on?" She asked, as a evil grin came on her face. "It can't be good, seeing as you get so little time to practise. It's a good thing I have a dance studio at my house, cutesy of my dad so I can practice all day long. Whether night or day."

"Ramona, what's your point?" I asked, as I fold my arms across my chest.

"My point is, I'm winning and you are losing. So it's best you drop out of the competition now and save yourself the embarrassment." She said as she examined her nails that were polished bright red.

"If you are trying to make me drop out of the competition, you have a next thing coming. You see Ramona, you don't know me at all. I will do my best to win, so don't worry about me." I returned her fake smile. "Now if you excuse us, we have class to get to." I stepped around her and my friends followed, leaving her in the hallway fuming.

Bitch deserved it, I smiled to myself. Who does she think she is anyway?

I had just practised my dance routine in my free period and now Dylan and I were heading to calculus, our last class of the day.

Dylan was about to turn in the direction of class, when he stopped abruptly. I gave him a confused look. He looked at me and grinned.

"I have a surprise for you. I was going to wait a while longer before I gave you it, but I can't wait." He took my hand and turned in the opposite direction from class.

"Dylan, what are you talking about and where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Just come. It's in my locker." A few seconds later, Dylan reached his locker and opened it. He took out a medium size box, wrapped in colourful paper and handed it to me. I looked suspiciously at the box in my hands.

"Um...Dylan what's this? It isn't even my birthday." I said giving him a questioning look.

"Just open it." He said impatiently. I rip the wrapping paper from around the box and saw that it was a shoe box. I opened the lid and in the box stood a nice pair of Nike. I stared at it in amazement and looked at Dylan wide eyed.

"You bought me these?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yep." Dylan nodded his head, a wide grin spread across his face.

"Oh my God! Really?" I took up one pair from the box and stared at it. It was black with a small amount of pink on the side and top.

"Yes. I saw you staring at it in the store the other day and I decided to get it for you." He explained.

"Oh Dylan, you didn't have to." I said, still admiring the shoes.

"Yes I did. When you told me you were going to enter that dance competition, I wanted to get you something as a good luck gift. When I saw you admiring these, I said I will get them for you to wear at the competition. So not only will you kill the dance competition, you are going to look fabulous doing it." before he could finish what he was saying, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"Thank you so much, Dylan. You are the best." I then pulled away from him and kiss him on his cheek.

"You are most welcome." He replied, grinning at me.

"Come on." I said pulling him to my locker. After I put the shoe box in my locker, I closed the door and turned to Dylan. I placed my hand in the crook of his and smiled. "Now, may we go to class?"

"Yes we may." Dylan tapped his finger on the tip of my nose, before turning around and walking to class together.