Chapter 21 Chapter 21

I looked at the time for the hundredth time. It was now 11:40am and I haven't seen any cars as yet. This part of street was a lonely road, so cars rarely pass here. I would never make it now. It just wasn't possible. Amber hadn't called me back, which means she hadn't came up with any solution.

Two minutes later, I heard the rumble of a motorbike. I got up from the banking that I had sat on earlier and looked down the road. When the bike got closer, I saw that it was Ethan's bike. When he reached where I stood, he stopped the bike and took off his helmet.

"Need a ride?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"Ethan?!" I exclaimed in surprise. "How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"Amber called me." He explained.

"So you weren't there as yet?" I queried.