Chapter 24 Chapter 24

"How did you guys did on the calculus test this morning?" Amber asked Dylan and I at lunch the following day.

"It wasn't all that easy, but I think I passed." I said, taking a bite of my pizza.

"Yeah, me too." Dylan replied.

"Oh great, now I'm freaking out about it." Amber sighed. "I have my test last session today and I'm definitely not feeling ready."

"Oh come on, Amber, you have nothing to worry about." Dylan said.

"Yeah and we could tell you what came on it." I added and Amber nodded. We had just finish eating, when Amber spoke again.

"Jess, where is Ethan?" She asked, wiping her hand on her napkin. "I haven't seen him come for lunch."

"I don't know. After I saw him this morning, I haven't seen him again." I shrugged.

"Oh okay. I thought he wasn't at school." She replied. After a while she spoke again. "Okay you guys, tell me what came on the calculus test?"