More Deep Thoughts with Ashton

'There could be a lot of reasons...'

'Limited knowledge, abilities, time, technology, and so on.'

'And if that were to be the case, then I couldn't blame them.'

'But that's not it.'

'At the end of the day, these limitations are just excuses too.'

'While they are limited strictly because of the uncertainty of their situation, they weren't threatened to the point of extinction.'

'They didn't experience any real invasions, the attacks that occurred happened outside of the Last Bastion. Meaning that if they chose to not send anyone outside the protective bubble, nobody would've died.'

'Now that I think about it, the hardships and challenges these Heroes faced mostly happened within Humanity's territory. Most of it was internalized conflict. But the result always ended up with them sacrificing their lives to strengthen the protective bubble.'

'Isn't that shady?'