One Year Later...

One year passed by like it was nothing...

Ashton remained stationed at the Chaotic Warzone, hidden behind the invisible walls of the Grand Library, always watching the events happening like a hawk observing his prey...

Two has been two years since he was taken out of civilization and was forced to survive the harsh environment of the Forgotten Ancestral Lands.

Ashton had come a long way and had transformed into a completely different person. He was no longer a kid, he was a battle-hardened man that had seen and knows way too much.

Despite how much he'd prefer not to be tangled in these matters, he had become a key player which will determine the future of this world. It wasn't his choice, it was forced upon him...

Thankfully, he had all sorts of means to even out the odds. This allowed him to survive and even thrive in this foul environment.