All in a day's work

Hubris... is what ultimately caused the downfall of the Revenants...

They grew too confident and arrogant in their power that they started thinking they were infallible. And when someone came to remind them that they're not, they don't believe it. Once proven, they don't know what to do.

In hindsight, the Revenants never thought that humans could grow as strong as Ashton. Though even this, ties back to Hubris as well. They've always thought that humans could never amount to anything. Yet it was also they who ordered certain things to be erased from Humanity's history since they deem it too dangerous for their race.

Such ironic creatures, these things are...

In Ashton's opinion, the reason why they're like this is that they had been alive for so long. False Immortality may have some side effects after all, especially when nobody was around to challenge that very idea.

This is why it is so refreshing to see these fools suffering beneath him...