Humans vs. Angels

Killing intent loomed over the horizon.

Everyone could feel the tense atmosphere. It's like the air was prickly for some reason. It was uncomfortable and repulsive, just like the corruption that's still plaguing this world.

The Mystic Guild was already informed about the situation. Every single one of them is currently waiting for the arrival of the invaders.

Today, just like always, the Mystic Guild is here to fulfill their purpose. They're here to defend their home from the creatures that sought to destroy it.

For a certain group of guild members, this was nerve-wracking. Unlike the others, this is their first time being drafted into the frontline so it's understandable that they'd be nervous.

Yet even though that's the case, none of them backed down. They answered the call and mustered up their courage to go out because they have to do so.

Some only hoped that their training was sufficient for the battle coming up.
