Mary's Salvation

Don't be too happy.

Don't be too sad.

Don't feel too much cause it will hurt you.

Control your emotions. Keep a proper distance from things that might emotionally provoke you and you shall be fine.

These are the words that Mary lived by for many years now ever since her curse awakened.

She was one of the unlucky people who were cursed by the Invaders. She didn't ask for it, nobody did. She didn't do anything to warrant such a fate yet she couldn't do anything to get rid of it either so she just learned how to live with it.

Some people might say that her curse isn't all that bad. But they weren't the ones on her shoes.

Her emotional sensitivity was cursed to be doubled compared to other people. Meaning that the normal happiness from other people is too much happiness for her. Sadness to them would cause an emotional breakdown for her.