Chapter 60

Mrs. Edna left the police station and drove to Senator Yakubu's. At the gate, the gatekeeper commented that he knew the car, but the person driving is a different person from who used to drive. Edna narrated that she was Sam's wife. The gatekeeper granted her entrance. She drove in the direction where she was told to pack her car.

She requested to see the senator, but the people she met in the compound couldn't allow her to do so since she wasn't invited by the senator. She tried all she could but she couldn't meet with Senator Yakubu. She drove home angrily. At she remembered that she left her daughter's school proprietor at the police station. Though she felt remorseful she had many issues at hand to settle than worry about the proprietor. Already she knew that her husband is in France because Sam told her he was going to an emergency. she called Sam and unleashed her anger on him. Sam who already knew he did wrong was quiet just like a kid while his wife was shouting at him. After the wife has finished shouting at her husband, Sam quietly narrated how the whole thing happened and started pleading that the wife may forgive him. Edna who was already crying couldn't assure him whether she was forgiving him or not. Rather she was asking for any possible means to get Ella, her daughter out of police custody. He continued pleading for forgiveness.

Samuel, get my daughter out of police custody and face the war you began. Don't make my daughter pay for a crime she didn't commit. She's too young for such trauma.

Darling I know I did wrong, but I did it for us. Remember.... Sam continued to narrate to Edna while she couldn't wait to hear all then she intruded

You did it for you and who? Spare me that sap Samuel! when we depend solely on your salary why didn't we die? Now that you've known the gravity of what you did, willingly come and get things fixed so that my daughter may come back to me.

I know I need to settle the case, but it's not as easy as it sounds. I may be jailed by the police or my boss, Sen Yakubu would kill me.

What then is the solution?.... Edna angrily asked

I'll be back in Nigeria early morning tomorrow, I'll meet with the police department. But it's just because of our daughter. But have it in mind, that anything might happen.

Samuel, whatever may happen, I want Ella to be freed. And I believe your boss must help us out. Please come back even if you may come tonight, I would like it more.

She was still talking to Sam when she heard him sob from the other end. She ended the call and started mumbling to herself

"....I told Sam to stop doing evil to people. But he refused. How much did Senator pay him that made him commit all these crimes he did mention? When he ordered that we used use bodyguards wherever we may go, I suspected that something was wrong somewhere but he never disclosed it to me. Now, the whole thing has been exposed in a most dishonorable manner. How can we bear the shame? Because he was defending another person, he got himself entrapped. Just because of money? We were surviving comfortably with his salary. Why this nonsense? ...…"

She continued mumbling to herself for a while and started crying. A few seconds later, she heard her phone ringing then she answered the call

Hi! Good evening ma.

Because she didn't know the person who was talking from the other end, she kept silent trying to know the person and his or her reason for calling her

I'm Mr. Ali, a friend of Mr. Sam. I hope am talking to Mrs. Edna, Mr. Sam's wife.

Then she garnered the confidence to talk to the person

Yeah! I'm the one...She replied while still sobbing.

Okay, I called to deliver Sen Yakubu's message. We heard that earlier in the day, you visited his house but the security guards didn't allow you to enter the house. We're sorry. For that reason, Distinguished Senator would like to meet with you if possible, tomorrow morning at 9 O'clock in his house.

Ok, I've heard you. But what for?

Edna asked

Sorry, I couldn't hear you well. The caller asked.

I asked, if I may know, what the reason for the meeting was. Edna asked

Wow! It's for that same reason that you went there today. Ali said

Ok then. If I'm less busy then, I'll meet him. Edna answered.

Madam, please don't make me think that you people are together in this silly game your husband is playing. Try and meet with Senator tomorrow morning to save you more stress or whatever may ensue.

I've heard you. Good night.....Mrs. Edna answered and hung up the call.