Chapter 74

When we finished having dinner, Aunty Sandra brought out some of the things she brought and started gifting everyone in the room. She packed mine in a bag since I am the main beneficiary. Everyone was excited since we all benefited from her generosity.

After such a wonderful episode, Ken called everyone attending and asked Uncle Jimmy boldly

"… My in-law, how far have you people gone in judging Sam's case?"

The house got calm as he made his question as if he were asking the whole household.

"Hmm" Uncle Jimmy cleared his throat and continued

"How else are we supposed to do it? We're following it according to the law"

Jimmy replied blatantly.

"Wow! That's great. Has he been? Able to debunk any of the accusations, or he's pleading guilty?" Ken asked again.

"This is a court case, though he has. Next tomorrow to either plead guilty or. not. But according to the way things are unfolding? He's not come up with evidence to deny the accusation. Remember, after Jessy's parent incident, he went forth to kidnap Dave, one of Jessy's friends. While searching for Dave, we caught two of his accomplices, who already pleaded guilty to both kidnapping and what happened to Jessy's parents. I guess all we're waiting for is, the coming Thursday, just for the Judge to pass the final verdict and everyone should go back to their normal lifestyle. Though nothing can bring back Barrister Louis and her wife."

Jimmy replied regrettably.

As the conversation was going on, everyone was hushed, waiting for the next thing either of them would say.

"Well, I'm I'm…" Ken started prattling as though he were about to cry.

"I'm sorry things happened the way they did. That's the reason they say the world is small. Even though if he were running from this family, he never knew one day his only brother would be a part of the family he despised for his selfish interest." He turned to me and continued

"Jessy, I apologize for all the harm my brother has caused you. I'm embarrassed having him as a brother. Denying him now won't do me any good. And I don't see that as the best option. He has a family he's about to leave behind solely for me and other family members. At least that should be a lesson for anyone that wishes to do something bad. Whenever we see his children or remember about them, we're going to remember Sam, what he did and how he's about to end up. I wasn't with him when he did what he did. But please, I only want to make a solemn request." He knelt.

"I know he deserves death for killing others. I know Sam doesn't deserve to live again. I request that you people will tamper justice with mercy. Please, you may sentence him to as many years' imprisonment as you want, but don't sentence him to death. He's not supposed to live again. But if possible, do me this favor. I'm appealing to you all."

The entire family started looking at him as a total stranger, which he was to us. We were all dumbfounded by the stunt he pulled. At a point, Uncle Jimmy manned up and said to him…

"Well, I'm only a police officer. I only go to the court to stand for my daughter Jessy and also to bear witness where I suppose to. I'm not the attorney handling the case. If anything may affect the final judgments, I'm not in the right position to induce such".

"Yes, I know!" Ken said

"But You can still make the judge consider my request if you'd like. He's not worthy to live again. And the law won't spare his life when we follow due process. I'm kneeling here to beg all the family members and especially Jessy, who Sam my brother made an orphan. Please I'm pleading with you all to imprison him as long as you want but don't kill him, please. He will learn his lessons if he's yet to do so".

On hearing his last word, his wife, Sandra, began to sob. I had nothing to say since I couldn't express how I felt. After several years of hiding from a particular person who effortlessly made me an orphan remorselessly in less than an hour, now it is my turn to make him taste the meal he dished to my parents and from nowhere, a simp surfaced to make me change my mind. That's not going to be possible.

As everywhere continued being quiet and no one tends to reply to him, his wife, who was already sobbing uncontrollably, stood up and left the scene. Jeff and Derrick also left the room, leaving me, Jimmy, and Madam Ruth to face Ken with his silly request.

Then I turned to Ken and said.

"Sir, life is per head. I know what I've passed through since I lost my parents when I was 10. Face your life, let him face consequences for what he did. I believe he already knows what awaits him since he knows what he did. Please, let's allow the law to follow the due course".

"I know everyone is bittered, and I'm not exempted. I'm embarrassed to call him MY BROTHER, but that's what he is. Life is per head, but he will leave behind many responsibilities for me. Not even about the responsibilities, please you people should help me. Things have already gone wrong. Let's find a means to mitigate it and not aggravate it more. I know if I were in your shoes, I will do just what you're doing, but please give it a second thought. To err is human, but to forgive is divine." Ken said.

Madam Ruth looked around, then she stood up and said…

"I'm not supposed to be a part of this discussion, meanwhile, goodnight all"

As she finished what she was saying, she stood up and left the room.