Chapter 78

On the morning of D-Day, Ken dressed up and left the house. Since we had somewhere to go, we all started arranging things. The day is supposed to be my best day. I was about fulfilling the promise I made to my late parents. Even though I might not be the one that is making it to come, I played my role as I could. I already started celebrating the victory since I know it had been assured.

As we were having our breakfast, my phone rang. Only for me to check and Dave was the one calling. The table was fully occupied by the family members excluding Ken who left the house very early. I pretended as if I didn't hear that my phone was ringing. He called again after the first one. The way aunty Sandra gazed at me, I knew she suspected Dave to be the one. I answered the call and asked him to call me back in a few minutes since we were having our breakfast.

"Is this how this girl has been misbehaving lately?" Aunty Sandra asked rhetorically.

"Who just called you?"

Answering her question won't do me any good. Though I had to answer for sake of peace.

"Never mind me. I already asked him to call me back later".

"Madam Ruth, this is not the Madam Ruth I used to know. Why are you giving her such a hand?" Aunty Sandra asked as she turned to Madam Ruth.

Let this, my aunty, not spoil anything for me. She's just trying to bring up an issue between me and Madam Ruth. And Madam Ruth had been looking for any means to vent her anger on me. As Sandra asked, she replied…

"Hmm. She's now the woman of the house. Nobody can say No when she says Yes".

"And you allow such arrant nonsense in your household? Jessy, be careful." Sandra concluded.

"Yes ma" I just made the statement for peace to reign. After breakfast, Sandra, myself uncle Jimmy and his wife dressed up them, we went to the court.

As we alighted from the car, we were on our way to trekking when Ken and another lady walked up to us. I greeted Ken and asked him about his whereabouts since early morning. Still, while exchanging pleasantries, the beautiful young lady whose regalia speaks volumes to the wealthy class she belongs to took out her eyeglass from her face and hung them on her dress. Her face was too pale that I had to continue looking at her to know what she was up to. Then she began her conversation as follows…

"Well, I know that my husband committed an unforgivable atrocity against everyone here. I apologize for all he did. I won't implore you to forgive and forget because I'm also a human and I can't easily forgive and forget. Anyway, thank you for the agreement, you already reached with Ken, my brother-in-law. I have nothing more to say, but I pray God will show him mercy and also restore peace in your hearts."

As she was delivering her speech, I couldn't control my emotion then I went hugged her tight then whispered in her ear not to cry again. We were diplomatic enough that we avoided creating a scene. We then walked into the courtroom to see that Justice was already seated there. I looked at one corner of the courtroom and saw Dave seated with one of his friends. I just walked up to them and sat behind Dave while we waited for our case to be mentioned.

As it reached our turn, after several interrogations, defenses and agreements, the presiding chief judge then sentenced Senator Yakubu to life imprisonment for terrorism. Both Ken and his accomplices were sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Alhaji Ali didn't appear in court since no one mentioned his name in the case.

As the judge just pronounced the judgment, Sam turned to his wife and said, "Honey, I'm sorry"

His wife couldn't control her emotion. She walked up to him and gave him a hot slap while still crying profusely. Ken and other officers rushed and held her, so she didn't do something silly in the courtroom.

There were kind goosebumps that fell throughout my body. That's a moment I've been praying for, but I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be when that day finally arrived. I turned to aunty Sandra only to see that tears were rolling down her chin. Jimmy was so quiet, as though he weren't in this same world. I was tensed up. It wasn't just an ideal for me to cry that dream of several years finally came to pass, but all I was seeing in the courtroom caused tears to roll down my cheeks. I noticed that Dave already held me closer to himself and then lead me out of the courtroom. On our way out, then I broke down in tears.

The other family members met me outside the court. Aunty Sandra came and hugged me then said;

"Finally, we did it"

"Yeah! To the glory of God, it's done" I replied to her while smiling but still tearing up.

Ken held his brother's wife out of the courtroom. The lady couldn't still control her emotion. She led her into their car, which was parked next to ours. Justice Zick walked close to us, then gave me a handshake and uttered.

"Jessy, it's done. You can now continue with your normal life."

"Yes sir. Thank you for all the efforts you applied to make this a success. I'm glad it ends this way" I replied to her.

"That's fine. Meet me later. I'll hand over to you all your parent's documents that are still with me" He added.

"That's fine sir, I will do as you said" I replied to him, and he continued greeting other members of the family

"Please Justice Zick, can Sam be granted bail before the said years," I asked him

"We will discuss that later" He replied

"That's fine. I'll come to your office as you said." I replied.

"Jessy! Jessy!!"

I heard such a soft and romantic voice calling me from behind. I turned only to see Dave kneeling with a golden ring in his hand.

"When I first met you, I was scared to talk to you. Finally, I did, and I never regretted any second I spent with you. Finally, I've discovered that you're just an angel in human form. And I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. With this ring in my hand, I hear to ask you to marry me. Please don't say no!"

Wow! I indeed love Dave, but the question was so sudden and even before my family members and on such a day that I needed to think of what happened years back. The whole arena got hushed instantly. Everywhere I turned, all eyes were on me. The weather got too hot for me. I looked at aunty Sandra, who was already signaling me to say YES. Madam Ruth and her husband were just glancing at us in a confused state. Dave's friend was standing from a distance making a video of the entire incident. I ran out of choices. I couldn't allow such a wonderful moment to pass me by. Then I said "Yes" and stretched out my hand to him as he wore me the ring. Then we kissed before everyone as though we have no shame. Aunty Sandra came and hugged us together. Other people were clapping, even people I never met before. Uncle Jimmy and the bus wife also came and gave Dave handshakes. Madam Ruth also hugged me. Not just that, Jimmy turned and said to Dave;

"She loves you. Treat her well"

"Sure, I will" He replied.

"Today is just a plus to my life. Sorrows of many years ended with perfect news. That's good!! Already I've fulfilled my promise to my parents. Though I won't allow Ken to rot in prison as I so desired. Love conquers much. And by the grace of God, I'll finally build a home with Dave, the love of my heart. To God, be the glory.