chapter four

Far away from the kingdom of Acordia,dwelled the Rogues, bloodthirsty and vengeful creatures,often kicked out of the pack for committing evil,most wolves turn out be a Rogues as a result of the circumstances surrounding the birth,or possession of a black heart...these are the Rogues, though few are good and can control themselves but not all cases are same . They awaited the full moon which was approaching in three days till, they will commence their attack.

"We attack Acordia capture the Alpha and kill the beta wolf and Delty and take over the council of the wolves *he smirked the bodyguards came in

" Boss, Lis is here to see you" Lis was the priestess witch sent out of her kingdom and was about to be killed when the Rogues came and helped her making her indebted to them.

*Let her in" he said sternly as he sat on his throne,the dark aura around this layer was So majestic,with all shades of dark colors

" Greetings to you boss"she bows

" What brings you here???"

" The strongest alpha is on the way???" She explained

"" What do you mean,Lis" he was tensed " I thought Elroy was the strongest"

" Yes, and hes about to meet his Luna"she announced

" How do they get to their mates." The harder it seems, the harder the solution"

" That's why they're alphas, Boss,the only solution is to find that Alpha and kill him before his Powers begins to manifest,his going to be greater than Lord lycacon himself and is there fore a threat to this kingdom" he thought about it , could it be Dino ,from what he heard they are yet to announce the Alpha ,that is the son of Elroy muat be the one,,but nobody knows what the looked like , The one his spirit craved for..

" We have to attack ,but this time we're going after that lad"he announced , immediately the began preparation

We have to wipe out the city of Acordia" he cursed ,Duluth king and ruler of Rogusca ,the generational sole enemies if the Acordia, his great grand father served under the regime of Lord lycacon himself, though envy and jealously drove him to do despicable things .He was aware lycacon was cursed into a werewolf by Zeus after he murdered his son. Duluth ,his best friend became envious of his power ,apprehended him and drew his blood becoming a werewolf and sharing his cursed, little did he know the curse missed with envy was a total danger... since then all his decendant followed his footsteps,sensing danger, lycacon threw them out of his City with his people,that's the beginning of the whole rukcos.

For years,and decades, they've tried to break in and wipe out the entire Alpha, what confiused him more was that they're both sharing the curse but why is he's suffering while the other is favourable and comfortable. The City of Acordia should prepare for their doom.

Adonis packed his bag ready to move his father had already given him the map to the City of Acordia. Even though, he won't say it ,he was already missing his son.

Adrea visited him to bid her goodbye. Mrs Williams led the way to Adonis room,the hallways of the mansion was magnificent as she imagined it,there were beautiful paintings on the wall making the house more attractive with goodbye apple pie bowl in her hands she was excited inside,just she and Mrs Williams were both in,she looked at Adonis , whom seems to be seriously packo,he had boxes on the bed

"You're done packing?" She asked looking at him pityful

"Yes, this is just the last bag he simply replied

" Last bag???"she stood surprised ,he nodded

" I have meetings to attend to,I've got to go,signal the bodyguards when you're done ,be careful ok" his mother hugged him and left.

They were both left alone,she gave him the pie "mom said I should give you those" she sat down looking at him,what a beauty"she admire his face.

" Am really sorry we couldn't work out" he felt the need to apologise.

" It's ok, I understand you" she smiled sadly. She really like him but she guess the match make was not signed by destiny.

" Thanks Adrea, I hope you find someone more worthy than I am" he opened his arms for a hug,she smiled giving him her last hug before she left him to pack his things in peace.

He entered his car and drove out his father's garage heading to where his Destiny lies. He drove for about an five hours before he saw the Bill board.." THE CITY OF ACORDIA" he drove in,he felt like he was really home now ,Acordia was not bad as he thought it would. He drove passed building ,he decided to park to get a bottle water .

Just by paying the lady at the counter,he heard screaming out side ,he immediately got to see a bunch of rogues destroying the city. The defenders of Acordia arrived. And was the beta wolf that led the pack fighting them off one by one.

He was contemplating whether to join the fight or just hide as usual. He decided to run taking his backpack leaving his car behind. A rogue sighted him and immediately aimed at him .

The fight was fierce ,fight the urge to transform was at it's peak until he heard a voice behind.

" Let him go" he was weak already , she rushed to him.

"Help me" he managed to say beforer he collasped . Bella, confused took him in and treated his wounds as well as the wound she got from fighting the rogue earlier.

He woke up the next day feeling different and in a different place.

" Where am I? He asked himself.

" Oh you're awake,it's a good thing you are.I was beginning to get worried" a pretty lady poured some hot water in to the tea bags.