Chapter 11 - Moon Escape 2

Before the Spacecraft could take off a series of attacks landed on hit.

'Warning warning hull damaged by 7 per cent 83 remaining initiating attacks.'

The two laser cannons start firing bursts of high-temperature lasers at a speed of 5 per second.

The Jena soldiers were pushed back and were forced to make shields but they soon formed a formation under the deputy manager and again started attacking the spaceship.

Kim was sweating all over as the engine still need 10 seconds to start but at that rate, the hull will be breached soon as the damage was given to the weakest part like the bucket theory.

Rudolf "The Ship should have flash or flares that were used to blind heat-seeking missile use them."


After the command was inputted a bright flare shot from the top of the spaceship blinding all the Jena's around and even burning the eyes of those without shields as screams continue the engine started and the spaceship lifted vertically above the hanger and then accelerated soon reaching the sound barrier and breaking it as there was no air on the moon it was not seen or heard but the people inside were squeezed on their seats but they were able to handle it.

After half a minute the spaceship entered Lunar orbit and the engine quieted down only making small adjustments to maintain the orbit. Everyone on board took a deep breath. Happiness was seen in their eyes after getting freedom leveeing Kim Yena all else had stayed there for more than a year watching people around them die and commit suicide in depression.

After relaxing for a few minutes Rudolf was the first to regain his seriousness as he was the oldest and most experienced among them. "Okay now we have to try to contact Earth and if you cannot connect to Earth try the Satellites or Space station.



On Earth as all the telescopes on Earth were focusing on Moon and Neptune they detected the new Spacecraft arriving in the lunar orbit. The findings were reported to Director Stark and the spacecraft was continuously monitored.



A new conference was going on where the main topic was that the few Jena's on Earth suddenly died without any reason. As the heated discussion was going on an agent barred them into the meeting room which made him gain some threatening stares but he was unbothered.

"Sir an Unknown spacecraft arrived in lunar orbit."

This message blew off all the minds in the conference room as the mention of another civilization attack was put forth in the conference but was rejected as having two civilizations in the solar system was already a low probability

Stark "Did you try to contact them."

"No sir it openly arrived in the lunar orbit without any idea for concealment."


"Sir further orders."

"Monitor it and I will talk with the rest and will follow on with you."

"Yes sir.'


As more and more problems were going on Tony's head got more and shinier.

'what is the universe like and why is a little planet like ours getting so much attention now I only hope that the civilization only has a hatred for Jenas and is a little friendly as up till now there is no way to interrupt the attack of others and humans cannot handle any more tossing.'

The eight-member council quickly gathered each one of them with a grave face.

Stark looked at them and spoke, "Do you have anything to say?"

General Raze looked irritated and spoke, "Can we not just eliminate them as even if the civilization is in space they are not much ahead or else they would not need to even care about others while killing Jenas."

Stark replied to him "The problem is that generally we are still on Earth and they are in space our attacks cannot reach them."

Raze "What about the spaceship that Carl always use to say."

"It is still in development period as we don't have any space-based attacks which are useful and don't speak about nukes they are worthless in space unless it hits directly on spot and that's impossible as we don't have anything that fasts and accurate."

Louis who was silent spoke at this time "Why don't we first try to communicate as we will still have time later to decide what to do?"

The room was silent and Leo who was inconspicuous spoke: "I think that's the only way and it's better than to create ourselves another enemy."

After a few bouts of discussion, everyone agreed on communication and the order was sent to the radio telescopes.

But when the spacecraft was connected everyone in the room was stunned.


In lunar orbit, after some rest, Kim was trying to connect to the Earth which was in failure as she didn't know the radio frequency and kept trying.

But to no avail after an hour there was no return signal. When Kim was going to give up hope and try another method a message appeared on the screen.

'An unknown connection request was detected whether to accept it.'

Yena said excitedly "Yes Finally"

The video connected and the people here saw the 8 faces change from worry to stunned they were speechless.

Rudolf found a familiar figure in it "Hey Raze can you remember me I am Rudolf."

Raze who was called out suddenly remembered the face which was missing for 3 years and shouted: "Oh my god Rudolf are you still alive and why are you in a spacecraft, you scared the shit of us as those Jenas are already making me bald."

Rudolf was too stunned "You know about them." He pointed to an octopus who was squeezed into a box.


As they were going to continue their chat Stark interrupted "General and Mr Rudolf you can talk later and first tell us about your situation."

Rudolf who was excited to see a friend calmed down and nodded "Yes sir how I may call you."

"You can call me director Stark like the rest I am from the Space investigation department and the one handling limit breakers' missing cases."

Rudolf was emotional "You didn't get affected by brainwashing."

Stark "that will be a long story and we will talk when you all get here safely now can you please tell me your current situation."

Rudolf nodded "We escaped from the moon base as the Jena D rank manager was injured due to something and we were lucky god knows how there was a technological spaceship in the hangar and it was easy to use because of Kim."

Kim who had just turned 18 was a little shy and replied "it was not much Uncle Rudolf helped me most of the time."

Stark looked at her and didn't find her on the limit breaker list. "Kim what is your full name."

"Kim Yena sir."

Stark took his tablet and found that Kim Yena was there too when Kpop star Jimmy broke his limit, Stark took note that the investigation was done sloppily.

"Ok, can you control the spacecraft and if can tell me all the details you can identify."

"Yes, sir the spacecraft has an Ai which can control it fully till now it has demonstrated it can attack, take off and learn and translate new languages."

Stark was surprised but not much as Ai is not much higher than Humans, "So can you order it to land on earth."

"Yes Sir but the hull of the spacecraft is more than 50 per cent damaged I don't know if it can survive Earth's atmosphere."

Stark was not a scientist but he knew 50 per cent damage means a lot of damage so he gave up advising and called NASA.


"Bill you should know the spacecraft in lunar orbit."

"Yes, what happened about it did the communications go on successfully."


"What if it failed, do we need to destroy it."

"Bill no calm down the spacecraft is driven by humans."

"What is there another human race in space that's impossible?"

"No, the Captured limit breakers escaped from Jena's moon base."

"Okay let me calm down for a moment."

Bill continued "You are saying that we have a working Spaceship that can travel in space but that's not the thing you will call me."

"The thing is that its hull is 50 per cent damaged and I don't think it can enter Earth's atmosphere."

"How the hell is even that thing surviving, but that's not a big problem we will dock it with space Station, we only need its door size and type which can be done by parking next to the space station and we can again use space shuttle to make a new module repair it or copy its technology with it at least we can fight Jena's."

"Ok I will ask if they can connect to Houston"

"Wait we received several radio signals similar to Earth we thought that it must be reflected due to some phenomenon where they contacted us."

As the call was on loudspeaker everyone heard it.

Rudolf who was like an arrogant German Shepard roared "You mother**ker you all can focus on radio signals which only give some sense but neglect complete communication signals. What would have happened if you guys were not focusing on Moon we would have been strangled in space…..?
