Chapter 23: Human Response 

"It's fine to be alive."

Leo sighed "That guy had negativities in his mind but it did not made him a villain but an extreme guy filled with kindness."

Stark nodded and then looked at half white Mars again and spoke "Grade 1 is too scary comparable to nuclear bomb it seems to be insignificant in front of him."

Leo who had been mummified laughed "Well that guy took the step ahead."

Stark regained his composure and looked at Leo "Now you should sleep leave the rest of matter to us."

Leo nodded and left while saying a sentence "Prathamesh wanted you to be the first person to step on Mars, as you were protect us for years, and while he is asleep don't go to the blank area in the asteroid belt there is thing there which made us feel powerless."

Stark nodded without any emotion but his eyes could not hide it. But the last sentence made his hairs stand on as if these two guys feel fear than there is nothing on earth which could handle it as nuclear bombs are useless in space unless it is directly hit.

'Space nuclear missiles should be put on agenda those weapon have been rusted for a long time.

A Reaper class docked the spaceship and General Raze rushed in and saw two of them talking and asked anxiously

"How is he?" It's not he doesn't care about Xiao Yun but he knew that his condition was not serious as he was only deprived of oxygen for few seconds.

Stark "In coma he should had took a large amount of 01 Glucose."

Raze had a relief on his face as there was still hope maybe it's only 1 percent.

He continued "I will handle Mars and the rest you should go back and do everything you think you should and tie this guy's hands first."

Leo who was badly broken was still trying to run away to see Mars.

But he soon got two stares which made him shiver. They may be weaker than him but for him they are like his parents and like an obedient child he sat on his wheelchair.


The Orion class battle cruiser returned to earth with 40 enforcers carrying the injured and dead people to have proper burial.

As the ice coffins were unloaded there was sadness of the space hanger and the commander had ordered everyone to maintain silence.

On the next day the all channels changed the shows suddenly but people were not stunned as this is normal when the Federation wants to give some information to the people.

This time instead of Carl or Leo appearing too talk there was space fleet shown and in the corner there was stern faced old man speaking.

"Hello everyone today I will give you guys a good news and a bad news."

"first of all yesterday we sent a fleet comprising of 1 Orion class battle cruiser,, 40 reaper class spaceship and 400 enforcers and including Leo and Prathamesh, two Grade 2 superhumans to capture Mars, and we succeeded and from now on the whole inner solar system can be completely said to be under human federation and Director stark became the first person to step on Mars."

The whole human federation burst into cheers as they had finally made an achievement in becoming a space civilization.

"But as everyone knows that war comes with sacrifices and yes we too had a loss too, we lost 40 Grade 2 superhumans, and 140 grade 1 superhumans and for them we will observe two minutes of silence."

This was reality of war and no one could change it, the whole planet was silent even the pilots who were flying came to a halt and floated with lights closed.

After two minutes Raze spoke "But we will not let their sacrifices down as even if we were outnumbered we killed 4 A-ranked, 200 B rank, 700 C rank and more than 2000 D rank Jena's and even eliminated the Jena city on Mars. Many people should had doubts why we were in such a hurry, one thing resources Earth's reserves are almost exhausted on surface and if we dig deeper the magnetic field will be affected and which place in our solar system is rich in resources as the asteroid belt, so we had the need to take the risk, as for the last sad news you should hear it from him."

The camera was turned and mummified person appeared.

Leo "Hello guys you may not recognize me as I have almost every bone fractured and been held by bandages."

The superhumans were horrified as seeing the strongest person in Humans like this they could only imagine the horror of the battle.

Leo continued "As you all should have realized something missing here right?"

The humans had a thought in their minds did lord of ice sacrificed.

"Yes Prathamesh is missing, and sorry for the guys who were waiting for his lecture as he will not able to give it. As you all should know that after Grade 2 common food cannot satisfy our energy needs, so we had a glucose solution which can provide it, and for Grade 4, the glucose with highest purity is required which has the energy required for a person needed for a year in a drop of it, but it also had side effects which are mainly heart failure and Brain Death."

Leo stopped for a while and continued "That crazy guy shielded his health band and started to use it to have chakra for creating an ice shield for 500 spaceships which lowered the death rate, but who knew how much energy he needed and then he fought with 3 A ranked Jena's after I was blasted out."

There was a pin drop silence on earth and even the birds didn't fly or any animals roared or barked.

"Then this guy froze himself and two other Jena after killing one to make a chance for Orion to attack."

"The ice on his health band melted and his status was displayed, he had almost lost consciousness and his blood glucose was as high as 3000, but we still had a chance to save him and a brave soldier risked his life and smashed into the ice cube freeing him."

Hopes started to appear in people's heart.

"But this stupid guy still wanted to protect him and he broke through the shackles of Grade one stopping the EM bullet and freezing half Mars, that broke his last straw."

Freezing half of Mars was the three words ringing in the minds of humans

'Is this the power of a Grade 1 Super human?'

Leo then smiled "But fortunately there is something that is not done by him and he is still alive but in coma, yes the person capable of freezing half a planet is in coma so this a good news that we can still save him."

The Leo started to cough and the nearby doctor took him back.

The camera turned back to Raze who was still depressed, "You should think that Prathamesh was kind saint, yes maybe he was but you should be thankful that he is one, as our study in comatose people is not high I request you all to help us and we will try methods to help the comatose and do our best to wake him up, but that's not the main thing I think you all should not want him to see us in this state right now cheer up we have a whole 4 planets and an asteroid belt to mine."


Countless hospitals all over the world received comatose patients and all recovered patient's families too shared their information.


Five Years passed by today was the day when Prathamesh was going to get his comatose Treatment as today the success rate of Comatose person awakening has reached 96 percent after five years of research, and a new discovery was made that the brain cell can replicate themselves if supported by chakra which also caused the research of life expansion gain a boost and a genetic medicine was made that can give people at least two more cell divisions which means 10 years of life.

The best way to solve coma was to let the person hear the sound of the person animal which has affected his or her life the most and then support the brain by chakra to let the frontal lobe remember them and give the brain an electric shock to restart it.

But the failures were in the case where the patient's deepest memories were anger than the patient had the chance to go rouge and lose reasoning.


In a village in the Deccan plateau, Leo, Stark, Eve and Yena were waiting.

Stark looked at three of them and asked again "You are sure that the girl really brought him out of hell and not pushed him deeper in it."

Leo nodded "Yes, the only time he is emotional is when he remembers her."

"What the hell really happened at that time?"

Yena "Maybe Prathamesh had his first time."

Leo shook his head "That's impossible he is a virgin know nothing about it."

Eve "Looks like you have some experience in that."

Leo's face turned red and he started to shutter "No no I have only seen it once."

Stark looked at him and sighed "Well I am starting to doubt myself that I am really talking to a guy who is the second strongest on person on Earth."

Leo scratched the back of his head and let out an embarrassed laugh.

Vaidehi Chavan was the name of the girl they were about to meet.


The people in the village were nervous as they knew the four people who came here, this was Prathamesh's village but to keep them out of trouble his all identity and information was kept confidential.

When all his relatives were gathered together Stark took out a picture and spoke "You should know him, who is he?"

One of the younger child answered "He is the strongest human Lord of Ice and Lord of thunder's rival."

Stark shook his head "That's the common knowledge look carefully he is one of your relative."

This time a soft voice came "He looks like Pratham, no he his him."

It was Vaidehi who spoke this time.

Stark nodded "Yes you are right but to keep you all out of trouble his identity was confidential and you all were kept under security and this time we came here."

He looked at Vaidehi "to ask your help."

Vaidehi pointed at herself and spoke with confusion "Me what can I do."


To be continued