Chapter 38 – Armada Family.

Evernight Province, Bright town

Riley was roaming the streets looking at the townspeople and nodded, he then thought about yesterday when he got more shock than he got in his 30 years, At first, he has been fully explained the 5 stages of Chakra, then he was given an energy source which promoted him to Stage 3 and even healed his body pure, but that was not the end he was given a better one for a training ground holy place which could be used to train till Grade 5. And that was not the end he was given more than a thousand martial arts techniques. He didn't know that all of them were researched in one day by the human federation.

Establishing an academy was easy, one had to reach the Martial lord stage, and one could then create a low-level academy, many lone martial artists would rush to join as there were less than 100 Lord ranked martial artists in the empire, and few would create an academy,

But before that, he had been given a job of finding few people who are trustworthy and he couldn't think of anyone better than his family, and they were in control of this town which had a population of fifty thousand.


Leo asked Prathamesh "Why do you need to create a power here, can't the federation directly control it."

"If we came and ruled here the people will have the mentality of escaping but if a person who was weak and then grew due to a chance and become a king they will easily accept it, we will then act as an upper world character and introduce our civilization, and those who could reach grade 4 could have access to the old continent where they will discover the new world and those who want to stay they can, and then slowly they can integrate into the federation, and one more if any civilization wants to visit us before we are confident that we can show our technological strength this can be an access point for it."

"Well you are right, but it will take time, we only have a year."

"That's where we come in."

Leo widens his eyes "But it will harm their potential."

"Their potential is already harmed, it is a good trade for them and even creates a mysterious identity of us."

"Okay, but if someone tries to gain power in this way."

"Nothing is perfect some mistakes will happen, we don't need to be a dictator, we only need to control the general direction."

"Okay, but did you think about this?"

"No Uncle Stark said this to us before did you forget"

"Ahhh yes."

"As expected." Prathamesh sighed.


Bright Town

Armada family, after the last patriarch was captured by Felicia Family, the whole family was in chaos, as the other three families were putting pressure on them.

There were about 60 members in the Armada Family, the highest power hereafter Riley was the two elders of the Martial Spirit stage, and the other families had one Martial Spirit each, and they had formed an alliance, putting pressure on them but the Armada family is no pushover, with the help of a formation they held against them.

But today the town was unusually silent, as today the Master called by the other families will be arriving.


City Hall

The higher-ups of the armada family were gathered here with tension written on everyone's faces.

Tiredness was seen in everyone.

One middle-aged man spoke with helplessness "Young patriarch you should have not come here."

In the center raised Chair a young man with a muscular structure was sitting there, he was Riley's Son, who had gone to River Academy, an intermediate Academy and he had reached Martial Spirit at the age of 20.

"I thought I could help you as I had reached Martial Spirit and even redeem Father from them, they should accept my offer A Mater level Pill."

The elderly man was shocked "What you should keep it, we can still redeem him with something else."

"No need I can reach the Master stage without it."

"Okay let it be, now you should escape with the rest of the young ones, they will especially target you."

"No I will not go, I can hold the Master with the help of formation, and one of you should quickly go and redeem Father."

Then there was a gust of wind in the room and the formation blared and a deep voice came.

"No need I am here."

All the people here had their hearts in their throats, but when they saw the familiar face their hearts started to beat faster.

"Dad" "Patriarch"

Leaving Max and the elders' the rest of the people bowed down with happiness, forgetting the alarm blaring


Leo looked at this from Air and spoke "The family is very united, I thought it would be like the novels, patriarch is gone factions will start fighting."

"That's why they are novels."

"Brother Leo what are novels."

"Huh Rica, there are no novels in the empire, uh they are books written by authors about the journey of a protagonist."

"No the books and stories I read are only about the heroes in history."



"Dad your aura" Max spoke with shock.

"Yes, I am now a Martial Lord."

This put a shock and relief in everyone's eyes.

"Did something happen?"

"Yes but it's nothing now, now we can even go back to the capital."

"No, we have to set up an Academy, it is the job I got in exchange for power."

The elder opened his eyes and looked at him in shock.

"Riley what did you do?"

"I was saved by two people they asked me to form an Academy and then overthrow the current situation, in exchange they will give me power."

"But how could they increase your strength to such heights."

"A God can do anything."


This stunned everyone.

Max "Dad, how can a Martial God appear."

"They are not from our continent."

Max's eyes shined "Beyond the Ocean what does it look like."

"Okay, leave that for a later time, we have work to do, when that master is coming, I want to punch someone."

"Head he will come today."

"So be it."


Leo was looking at his tablet and spoke.

"This area is near River Academy, will it create conflict."

"Yes, a stepping stone."

Leo paused


"Yes, you will know then now I want to see the construction team."

His earpiece rang.

"Sir we are departing please clear the area."

"Okay, but is it needed I am always wondering what goes in his head."

"Ah it is not necessary but it is necessary."



Empire of Armada

400 years ago.

Richard Armada

Armada family.

The whole city was in a tense moment as today a new powerful man was born Richard Armada broke through the legendary emperor stage. This started an immense discussion between people.

At this time the said person was flying in the sky.


Richard's POV

'Higher, higher.'

After discovering that he could fly without restrictions he had the dream to reach the highest point.

As the ground started to move further and further he saw the boundaries of his continent the highest point he reached before his breakthrough, after this point the air gets thinner, and surviving becomes difficult but now he can survive till his energy remains.

Soon the world started to curve the sky started to turn black and the stars grew brighter.


Suddenly he seemed to hit a wall and a blue barrier formed in circular waves from him.


'Is this a restriction?'

Then he took his spear and channeled his energy.


More waves appeared but nothing happened.

'Huh, still not enough."


He retreated a bit and his spear started to form runes.

"Pierce the SKY!!"


Again only waves formed.

'What impossible, I have already crossed the current era.'

Then he felt locked by many individuals each stronger than him.

"Shit run."

As he was turning he saw a city flying which shook him to core.

After he left many spaceships appeared in the area but soon left as it was nothing serious.

This thing was hidden by Richard in the founding place by him but he didn't tell about it to anyone.

The only thing in his mind was 'Martial Emperor, it is nothing in front of the city in the sky."


Back to the present.

Soon in the area selected an academy was formed.

Leo "You guys sure are fast, at the time of hope academy we took a month even with superpowers."

Rick the construction leader "Yes, but at that time everyone wanted power to fight, no one thought there were many uses to it."

"Everything had a beginning."


Bright town

The city had seen the biggest massacre since its formation, the three families were killed to its core.

The true leader had returned.

The town was even celebrating instead of gloomy atmosphere.
