
"Doctor!, Doctor!, where is the doctor" a young woman wearing a white gown shouted as a stretcher was hurriedly wheeled in by the nurses, a man with a pale face but was as handsome as anything in this condition, was on the stretcher covered in blood, the woman likewise was also stained with his blood, her original white garment was already dyed red, only if one looked closer would one discover that the cloth was actually white before it was dyed with blood turning it red, but the woman could be less concerned about that.

The man on the stretcher was constantly growling in pain as the woman expression continued to change due to the man growling in pain beside her she felt as if she was the one in the pain.

Soon the doctor came running over, upon seeing the state of the man he shouted, "to the theater room", the nurse wheeling the stretcher quickly changed direction and wheeled it straight into the theater room, on seeing them enter the theater room the woman tried to follow them but a nurse stopped her " please wait outside" the nurse said politely, she nodded as she resigned to fate and sat down on the chair nearby.

She sat down as she put her hands on her face as she prayed for his safety, she thought on how she had dragged him down in the mess she was in, she remembered again when she first met him at highschool then and how cold and icy he was to her simply because he was hurt by his first love, as she thought of this, she drifted into her memory lane as she remembered both the happy and sad moments in her past, especially the time when they first met and how it had all began and how they had later ended up in the hospital today.

Five years ago in All star high school a red car sped in at a high speed into the school gate, all the students walking or staying by the gate quickly gave way for the car as not be hit, dey all knew who was in the car, James the son of the principal and also a renowned playboy, he always get what he wanted, although he is very handsome but he was not the moat handsome in the school, although it was because of his handsomeness girls usually throw themselves at him.

After the red car was out of sight, another blue car came to pass through the school gate, this time the driver was not as reckless as the driver of the first car that had just passed, laughter was heard in the car as the people in the car talked and laughed happily, it was Alex the most handsome guy in the school with his friends, every one preferred Alex to James as he was more humble than the latter, as the latter was very rude and arrogant.

All the girls of the school wanted to become Alex girlfriend but since the time Lydia his first love and also his girlfriend coupled with the fact that she was the hottest girl in the school broke his heart by cheating on him with James, since then they knew they had no chance of approaching him cause he had become cold and indifferent towards girls as he swore never to fall in love again, the only girl he wasn't cold to and indifferent to was Elizabeth who was his female best friend.

The blue car finally came to the parking lot and then parked next to the red car Alex and his friends alighted from the car at the same time James and lydia also alighted from their car as Lydia was busy with her makeup so she did notice see Alex and his friends.

James and Alex eye met when Alex turned around, immediately Alex felt anger boiling in him as he had the urge to beat James while James stood in Alex other side with a taunting gaze, On seeing this Eric, Alex best friend quickly dragged him away from the parking lot as he did not want a fight to break out.

He remembered the last the time Alex fought James, the latter was beaten up badly, as the former had a black belt in karate, but afterwards he was suspended from the school for a month, since then the two had became like water and fire never to meet in a place.

All star high school and was a school were many students from rich families go, so it was had to see a student who didn't come from a rich family, that was why there was even a parking lot for the students where they could park their vehicles or motorcycle.

"Dude, calm down, don't be disgusted by him, he's not worth it" Eric said trying to calm Alex down when he had successfully dragged the latter out of the parking lot.

"Okay! Okay, I feel better now, let's head to the class" Alex replied after some minutes of silence.

At the principal's office, a woman clad in trousers and suit in her thirties, although she was already in her thirties she still looked beautiful as many people would think she was still in her twenties was sitting down facing him.

"That's all I can do for you," the principal told the woman who was facing him.

"I appreciate it very much" the woman smiled and replied, then she turned to a teenager who was sitting quietly by her side, about the age of eighteen, on a closer look at the teenager one would notice that the teenager had inherited all of the woman's features making her look flawless, she was also exceptionally beautiful, from there one could detect that she was her daughter.

"Be a good girl and try to make new friends, as this is your final year in high school and I do not want to hear any complain from the school, I would also make sure to be checking in you" the woman smiled and said to her daughter.

Rachael which was the teenager name nodded her head obediently as she wished that her mother would be with her, her mother was a business woman and would travel from one place to another every two years, she was so busy that she rarely had time for her daughter so Rachael could only be by herself, she would always leave enough money for her to spend thus she did not lack anything, as for her father she had never seen him and was forbidden by her mother to talk about him thus she did not know anything about her birth father.

"Come on, let me take you to your class and also introduce you to your new classmate mates, I hope you would get along with them" the principal said snapping her out of her thoughts.

Rachael's mother stood up as she departed from the principals office leaving only her daughter and the principal, seeing her mother departing she stood up and followed the principal out of his office intending to start off her first day at her new school.

In the classroom Alex was seating alone on his seat, he calmly put on a headphone and was listening to music at the same time he was observing everyone in the class with the a pair of cold eyes stopping all the girls who had the intention of approaching him.

"Have you heard about a transfer student in our school" one of the girls whispered to her friends.

"We've not heard anything about it, but what's so special about this particular student, as she's not the first transfer student in our school" one of her friends replied.

"Hmp! All of you are as clueless as ever, but let me tell you, this particular transfer student is from Sky high school in London and she's transfered directly to our class, meaning she is here just to complete her last year at high school which has never happened before" she said to her friends.

All the people nearby looked up in shock as it had never happened before, a transfer student at the final year?, that was literally crazy.

The girl who had told her friends about it looked proud as he continued " I also heard she's a great beauty as her beauty would not loose out if she's compared to lydia" she added.

Eric who was nearby the girls who were gossiping and was originally not interested in the conversation looked back as his attention was diverted, maybe he may have a chance to date her, he thought, but soon his face fell as he looked at both James and Alex who was the most handsome guys in the school, "James already had a girlfriend but he was not sure if he may try to woo her as James was a playboy so he's quite not predictable, the person he was the most curious about was Alex maybe this new girl would be able to make changes to him as since the incident regarding Lydia cheating on him, he has been cold and indifferent towards girls and would completely ignore one that approach him, the only girl that did not receive that treatment was Elizabeth and it was just because she was his female best friend, they all wished she would be able to create a sparkle in his heart" he thought.


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