
Looking at her daughter in her miserable state, she felt guilty of what had happened, but it had happened, she couldn't reverse time, she had left her all to herself for the past week and didn't contacted her even for once, until today when she finally did, she thanked Alex inwardly as she knew he was the one that had helped her avoid all the dangers, she knew her daughter well, she couldn't possibly defend herself from them, although they had only sent bronze level to take her, she was confused on how Alex had fought them off all, what trick did he use?, If it hadn't because she was surrounded by gold level and she was also injured, she would have long contacted her, although she herself was a diamond level she must still be careful when surrounded by gold level, if it was not for the slight mistake she had made, all this wouldn't have happened.

"Dear, let go inside, there are things you need to know," Rachel's mother Rebecca wiped her tears before taking her inside.

Alex on the other hand was also reluctant to part with Rachel, he wanted to know why she was pursued, what exactly had she done?, there was no turning back, he had already involved himself with her matter, so there was nothing he could do, he believed that the organization would soon come knocking on his door, he was prepared. He did not even know when the train he had boarded reached Cambridge, it was until after the woman by his side talked to him jolting him out of his thoughts he knew he was already in Cambridge, thanking the woman, he stood up and got out of the train, taking a taxi to where he lives at Harvard square.

Aunt Maddy, Alex aunt was already dead worried about him, he hadn't contacted her for about a week, although she knew the nature of his job, she could not help but to be worried about him, she had even gone to asked Elizabeth and Eric, Alex best friends about his whereabouts, they had said they only knew that he went to Wales, to attend the graduation of a friend in Bangor.

As she was thinking about all this, the doorbell rang, disrupting her thoughts, quickly she went to open the door only to see Alex was back, but was looking downcast, she was happy, surprised and shocked at the same time, quickly she took his hands as they entered, she knew something was wrong with him. Anytime he came back home, he would usually smile and give his aunt a hug, but today he looked like a star that had lost its luster, as he looked gloomy at the very moment.

Alex what happened to you?, Why are you like this, and also where is your car?," Asked his aunt worriedly, although she could care less about his car.

"Elizabeth and Eric should have told you that I went to Wales got a graduation," he replied sadly, "there I ran into Rachel, but after that, we ran into an accident and the car was damaged, for the past week I was in the hospital, I was just discharged yesterday, also due to the incident I was forced to leave Rachel."

His aunt gasped at his reply, she pulled him closer and hugged him tightly, before releasing him, "go and take a bath, then come and eat, after eating you should go take some rest, I believe everything would be back to normal soon," she said trying to console him.

He looked at his aunt, disengaging from the hug and going to his room.

Back in Oxford, at Rachel's house, her mother had already consoled her, she had also taken a bath and had a proper meal, her mother was able to convince her to take some rest, she had slept for almost the whole day due to the accumulated fatigue, now she sat on her bed as her mother sat facing her.

"Tell me, what have you encountered in the past week with Alex," her mother asked with a smile.

Rachel facial expression changed when her mother asked this question, letting out a bitter smile, she recounted all that had happened from the time she had called to the time they came home.

"Rebecca sighed inwardly as she was listening to what her daughter was saying, she knew who Alex was, his parents and virtually everything about him, she could not help but be surprised when she heard what her daughter was saying about him, the boy was just as reckless as his father, he did not even care when he heard the name of the organization, she could not help but think what would happen when he finally knows the truth about the death of his parents, maybe he would be their nemesis, but one thing she could not understand was where did he learn how to fight, although judging from what her daughter had told her, he did not really fight, but rather chose to run, and also the tactics he had used in avoiding them showed he had some experience.

"Did he tell you anything about the experiences he had in the past four years," asked Rebecca when Rachel had finally finished narrating all the incident.

"He said something like he went to a secret agent institution organization, or something like that."

Hearing her daughter's reply, Rebecca was shocked, "has he learned of the truth?," she asked herself, "that can't be," she consoled herself again, but then why would he go to a secret institution, she then thought maybe it was his aunt who had convinced him to go to such institution.

Raising her her head up, she looked at her daughter right into the eye, " I know there must be tons of questions you wanna ask me, but that can wait, I need to show you something."

Saying this, she stood up and went into her room, shortly after she came out with a picture and a small black memory card wrapped with an unknown material(unknown even to the writer), "this is the picture of your father," she said giving Rachel the picture.

Rachel's heart trembled when she saw the picture, she took the picture with a trembling hands, on the picture was a handsome man in his late forties with a smile on his on his well chiseled face, his black hair was neatly combed, his eyebrows were so long that they almost connected at the intersection between his eyes and nose, the picture itself seemed to have come alive while in her hands, tears flowed freely from her face as she looked at the picture, it had never occured to her that her mother would take the initiative to tell her who her father was, although she had always believed always that her father was not some shameless man who would run away with another woman and abandon his own wife and child, and now it seems that she was right about him, but one thing was not yet clear to her, "why did her mother suddenly show her this picture?, Did it have any relation with the incident that happened?," But she knew one definite thing, her mother was ready to answer all her questions.

Looking at her daughter whose hands was trembling at the same time crying when she showed her the picture, Rebecca felt guilty, ever since Rachel was born she had not seen her father, she had also forbidden her from talking about him. But now she must reveal everything to her, so that she must know of the latent danger, or else her daughter might end up hating her when the latent danger finally comes and she knows knows nothing. It was also the will of her husband not to tell her anything about him until she was discovered, it seems like he had already foreseen the incident.

Rebecca cleared her throat, disrupting her daughter from her thoughts, "I know you must be wondering why I have suddenly showed you this picture, and also you might be thinking maybe it has relation with the incident that happened," she said to Rachel in a solemn voice.

Not waiting for her reply she continued, "am going to clear your doubt, the answer is yes, the reason am showing you all this is because of what happened recently, it was also the wish of your father not to know anything about him until something like this happened, as there is a latent danger around us, so you must steel your mind and accept the reality of what am about to tell you."

Hearing what her mother said, Rachel was shocked, she did not understand why her mother's voice had suddenly became solemn, anyway, she still concentrated.

Seeing her daughter concentrating, Rebecca sighed before she continued, "actually, I too work for the Red Skull Organization with your father." Rachel mother dropped the bomb.

"Your father was murdered by his comrades in the organization, during that time he was the best assassin, although your father never accepted and killed any innocent person, all the people he killed where the ones who deserved it, I met your father at the organization at that time and we fell in love, after some months of dating, we finally got married, but it was kept as a secret from the organization, I too did not know why he had decided to keep it as a secret, when I finally became pregnant of you, he made some arrangements and made sure I was given a leave of three years as he took me out of the united kingdom to the United States, he had only told me it wasn't safe in the united kingdom, before he left, he gave me this and that little thing, she pointed at the memory card warped with the unknown material, then he made me promise him not to reveal to anyone in the organization that I was his wife, and not to tell you a thing about him and our jobs until I was discovered, although it never occured to me that we would be discovered, I still promised him, so allow you to live a normal life, but if I was later discovered, I should give you this, I tried asking the reason behind this, he only smiled before saying that it might be the last time I see him.

"And truth to be told it was the last time I saw or heard from him again, after three years when I finally left the United States and came back, I was told that he was dead, murdered by his rival, although I was angry and wanted revenge, there was nothing I could do about it, I continued to work for the organization, taking missions and others, and did not reveal my identity as his wife as promised, I even hid you from them, that's the reason we move from a state to another in the united kingdom after every two years, it was because I didn't want them to know anything about you, but during the last four years I had some injuries and was forced to stay at home for sometime, then last month I made a mistake, the boss of the England and Wales branch who was the murderer of your father finally knew I was the wife of his rival and even knew I had a daughter, he sent his men to capture me and sent some to capture you, that was why I had called you to leave Bangor that very day, although he knew it was futile and his men won't be able to capture me, he was confident that he would be able to capture you and sent eight men at the bronze level, he was sure I would submit if you were to be captured, but who would have thought that Alex, who was with you at that time would disrupt his plan, now let me conclude a thing for you, even I didn't know the reason your father was murdered nor why he now wants our life after finding out that am the wife of his rival and you're the daughter." Rebecca concluded her story.

By the time Rebecca finished her story, Rachel eyes was already glittering with tears as she was crying, although it had never occured to her that her mother was working for the organization, what pained her most was the pain her mother had passed through in the hands of the organization, they had killed her husband, depriving her of her love, even her mother did not know why they were pursued nor did she know why her husband was murdered, she did not feel any hatred towards her parents, rather her love for them grew, as she knew of the hardship her mother had gone through.

She stood up from her bed and hugged her mother tightly, "I will never hate you for what you have done mum, I know the hardship you've gone through, never would I despise you nor hate you," she said to her mother.

disengaging from the hug, Rebecca looked at her daughter, inwardly she was happy, she did not expect that from Rachel, what she had expected was for her to be angry, bu unexpectedly she was calm and even accepted the reality, "take this, your father wanted you to have this, maybe the answer to your question would be in there," her mother handed her the memory card wrapped wrapped with the unknown material, (unknown even to the writer), before leaving the room.