The demon realm, the realm where every demon's spiritual body was formed. The world where the demons resides, grow, and earn prestige. The place where demons thrived before they are summoned to the material world. There, many demons hunts other demons to gain strength and honor from other demons. The older they get the stronger they are, that's why the primordials are at the top of the power chain in the demon realm.

There are 8 Primordials in Tensura:

Rouge, The Red Primordial

Noir, The Black Primordial

Blanc, The White Primordial

Jaune, The Yellow Primordial

Violet, The Purple Primordial

Bleu, The Blue Primordial

Vert, The Green Primordial

and lastly and of course the very least Mauve, The Pink Primordial.

Even though Mauve is a primordial demon, he was viewed as naive, weak, and immature by many others. Therefore many beings disliked him, though they do not want to show it since he has befriended many strong beings such as The Primordials, The True Dragons, and The Spirit Queen Ramiris.

The Hero Rudra Nam Ul Nasca despised Mauve due to his pacifist personality. He viewed Mauve as weak, annoying, and naive. Although Rudra has never seen his strength nor skills, his personality and first impression has already made Rudra dislikes him.

After organizing his memories, Pink got up from his sleeping position and gets ready to run to his house because it's already night time.

'Hmm... I wonder how fast I can go if I run in full speed.' Pink thought as he gets ready to run.

Then Pink said "Alright! 3... 2... 1... STARTTT!!! " Pink started running making a small crater behind him with his foot marked on it. Pink has already inherited his former self's muscle memory and reflexes and thus how Pink is able to adept to his new body and run at a top speed.

'My house should be behind that volcano, so around 5? no, 7 kilometers probably.' Pink thought as he runs through the blazing tundra of hell.

After 5 minutes of running, Pink has arrived at his destination. While he stops, he gazed what's in front of him with awe. Mists that has somehow gathers it self to form this very huge circle imprisoning the house from the outside world. The only way in and out is to ask permission from its owner, which is Pink.

As he walks inside of the mist, the mist formed a path for Pink to safely go inside. There, he saw a simple cottage surrounded by many trees and plants. After entering himself in, he saw a simple room with a kitchen and a cotton couch, there are 3 doors leading to different rooms, however the door that catches Pink's eyes is the middle door.

"Hmm... So that's the door leading to the material world." Pink subconsciously said.

'Pink made this because he doesn't have enough magicules to travelled between dimensions.' Pink thought.

Gazing the door with eyes full of curiosity. He finally walk towards the door. As he reaches to the door knob, his heart started beating faster and faster. Taking a few breathes in, he opens the door.

'Woww... that's more beautiful than remembering it through my memories.' He walks through the door and gazes every direction, fully admiring his former self's creation.

"I can see why he loves agriculture. This view might be the best view I've ever seen." He looks around and saw a single door behind him, this was the door that he have gone through. A single door in the middle of nowhere. Pink closes the door and went towards his current main house.

He walks to the opposite side of the door, he looks around and sees many creatures, plants that he has never directly seen before. In this land there are also mists surrounding it, therefore making it invincible. He walks and walks and walks until he reaches his house.

Calling it a house might be a bit of an understatement. It's a mansion! An old fashion mansion. Pink lived here for as long as he could remember. It's made out of stones and wooden planks that are nigh invincible. It's carved beautifully, the only adjective befitting for such house is... Perfect. He walks inside and toured himself inside out.

In this land, there are many geological features, such as its own private beach, its own dessert, and many others. Many species of creatures varies from rare beasts, normal mammals, rare insects, and many others are located here in this very land. Plants, Vegetables, Trees, everything! Is available here.

Mauve, The Primordial Pink might not be the strongest nor the most intelligent, however he is the most resourceful and useful out of all The Primordials. For example, clothes that are used by many powerful beings such as Guy, Veldanava, The Primordials, or even the hero himself are stitched and refined here in this place by none other than Mauve.

There is a very rare species of spider in this place called The Spiders of Anaak, it can produce invincible strings that can absorb kinetic energy and when imbued with a certain amount of magicules it can release the absorbed kinetic energy, it's the string that the clothes of many powerful beings are made out of and Mauve can make 2 sets of clothes each week.

There is a tree that can produce fruits that are able to negate all physical abnormalities in your body and Mauve have 12 of those trees.

All of them available in The Garden of Eden. Located near The Dwelling of The Spirits it has quite a wholesome history on why it's built there. The Garden of Eden is a place no humanity nor any inferior demons knows, although it is very big on the inside, it's small from the outside. It's all due to the mist that surrounds The Garden of Eden, it has an ability that can surpass the law of physics and make the volume on the inside bigger than the outside perimeter.

It's quite unfortunate that Mauve is a pacifist, he has potentials to become one of- if not the most dangerous being on Tensura. Fortunately, there's a new soul that embodies Mauve.

(AN: All these new unheard materials, animals, fruits and other things, are all originals)

'I feel sorry that I indirectly killed you previous Mauve, but goddamn I didn't regret it!' Mauve thought as he went to his backyard, there is a decent size lake in his backyard.

'Wow, the waters are so clear, I can clearly see the bottom of the lake, that's sick!' Mauve took off his clothes and took a bath on his personal lake.