"For this sword chooses its own master..." This quote rings inside Mauve's head over and over again. Mauve still tries to find a way to make this sword bow down to him.

"The name Tranquility suggests peace and calm, maybe I have to find my inner peace or somethin' or do I have to be calm? I don't know... *sigh* less talking, more working." Mauve explained as he sits in a cross legged position.

"Ok.. I guess I'l try meditating."

Mauve recalls the past on how to correctly meditate as he once tried meditating to relieve stress.

'Take a seat. Find place to sit that feels calm and quiet to you.

Set a time limit. ...

Notice your body. ...

Feel your breath. ...

Notice when your mind has wandered. ...

Be kind to your wandering mind. ...

Close with kindness. ...' And he did just that.

After Mauve opens his eyes again, he found him self in a different place. In this situation most people will panic or be terrified, but somehow Mauve found himself calm, in fact this is the calmest he have ever been. He gazes at what's in front him, and thought

'Hmm... what's this... there's a some sort of sphere? It's getting closer to me, wait no... I'm getting closer to it. Is it dangerous? Is this my core or something?' Mauve tries to focus on this "sphere" as he focuses more on this sphere the closer it gets to his view point.

'Is this the normal process of getting a skill?' Mauve speculated.

'This sphere... it's very odd looking yet so familiar. It's far yet so close. That's the only way to describe this phenomenal view. I'm trying to get close to it yet the closer I get the further away the sphere is. Is it trying to make me chase it. Alright! I'm up for a game.' Mauve thought as he focuses on the sphere more and more and then *grab* Mauve finally captures it.

'OOOOO! yess finally! But... umm now what?' He though as the sphere suddenly disperse to tiny particles and Mauve unintentionally absorbed it into his body.

Mauve opened his pink eyes as he observe and speculate of what just happened.

"Hmm.. What is this feeling, my body feels calmer and stronger..."

Mauve tried to stand up when informations of unknown skills enveloped his head.

"Woooaah! so this is the normal process of getting a skill?! You have to awaken it... Hmm.. Alright the skill is amongst the unique class and it's name is Tranquility-" As I said that the sword in my hands suddenly glows a subtle blue color and disappeared and later a tattoo appeared in my backhand.

"Is this a crest? Did the sword acknowledge me? Hmm.. it's a god class weapon there's no way it acknowledged me that easily. I'm only a normal person that knows the precise way to meditate, but then why did it acknowledged me as its master?" He asked

"*sigh* Let's just accept this... There's no need to speculate further." Mauve said as he focuses at the information that was presented in his head.

Unique skill: Tranquility is a skill that allows the user to maximize the potential of The Tranquility. This skill allows the user to turn Tranquility into any form the user likes, to fuses with the user's body hence making the user's mind stronger and calmer, to use all of it's original but maximized abilities, and finally to allow the user to spatially move the sword.

"Oh and another skill that I have learned is Extra skill: Magic Aura, so technically I don't need to use Tranquility's skill to turn my aura invisible." Mauve said as he started withdrawing his aura and later he started his hunt again, unknown to Mauve he is being watched by someone.

Mauve was finding a prey when suddenly a wyvern flew above him.

'Woahh what the fuck! that's sick. Anyways I think I've found my prey.' Thought Mauve. With a face full of confidence Mauve chased after the wyvern.

After 5 minutes of chasing the wyvern finally stops at a cave in a large mountain. Mauve arrived near the cave, but still hiding in a bush, not engaging.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Mauve thought when suddenly the wyvern screeched towards an anonymous being, Mauve still hiding on the bush is confused at what's being portrayed in front of him.

'That being, is that a human? No! No way! Why would a human hunt a wyvern alone!'

This 'Human' has a very distinctive features, such as wearing a full black glossy body armor, a black glossy helmet and a metal like mask. He/She held a gigantic saber that has the same size with Tranquility.

'Hmm?! Why isn't the wyvern attacking-' Mauve thought when a deep male's voice interrupted him.

"Wyvern! I've come to defeat you! Prepare yourself!"

'A male's voice? And wait! That wyvern.... Oh! So that's why... That wyvern is protecting its egg.' Mauve was intrigued by this sudden change of event, he stayed at the bush and watch the spectacle that is going on in front of him.

'This might be a good chance to test out my non offensive skills...

'Nourishments!' Mauve thought, then suddenly grasses and leaves that he touches turns into popcorn.

'Extra skill Nourishments, a skill that allows the user to turn anything he touches into the food that he likes, it's just like touch of Midas, but on food. Unfortunately I can't use it to a durable material, if I can though that would be OP!' Mauve explained.


"Here I come!" the mysterious man said.

Then the man dashes in front of the wyverns foot and slashes its ankle, the wyvern screeches in pain then it opens its mouth and shoots a fireball at the man. The man blocked the fireball, but because of the sheer force of the fireball, he got knocked back to the wall of the cave, implanting him to the wall.

The man didn't whimper a single sound. The man suddenly blasted off towards the head of the wyvern and slashes one of its eyeballs and landed on the other side of the wall, then he blasted off again creating a big crater on the side of the walls and slashed its neck.

The man mumbles "Tch! Too shallow!"

The man repeated the same attack over and over again, jumping from the left wall to the right wall slashing the wyvern over and over again.

The wyvern can't do anything! The man's too fast for the wyvern to react. It can escape but it didn't, due to its parental protectiveness.

Mauve watching this fight in front of him, couldn't help but to marvel at the skills that That man has presented to him.

Then suddenly the man stops and the wyvern falls down.

"I'm sorry wyvern however you shan't be allowed to be of a hindrance to my people..." The man said as he kneels down to the corpse of the wyvern and pays respect to him. "I hope the heavens will grant you a wonderful next life." The man prays.

Mauve was speechless. He contemplate his next decision carefully. "I've decided! That man seems to be a great guy, even though he's dangerous, he's still seems to be a decent person.

*sigh* I think the next right move is to cower in fear and run as far away as possible from that man, because even though he seems kind, I don't want to risk it-" Mauve said when suddenly The man interrupted and said in a very piercing tone

"Come out! I've seen through your pitiful disguise!"

Hearing this Mauve frowned, but he is strangely calm.

"*sigh* fuck!" Mauve said as he rises up from the bush. He activates his Tranquility skill just in case. However instead of a sword, a golden stick has appeared as its substitute.

Mauve turns his sword into a stick!

Mauve walks towards him with calm and composed attitude.

Then, The man asks "Who are you."

"Caleb." Mauve lied.

"And what's your name, kind sir?" Mauve asked.

"Guran Dwargo."