The night was progressing bizarrely, Mauve drank many bears, wines, and eaten many nourishments. It was a glamorous night..

Unfortunately the night is not fixate and time always ticks.

After partying, Mauve came to the meeting room to meet Guran. Guran is seating on the largest throne, he gestures for Mauve to sit down besides him. Mauve oblige and ask him

"So? the 100th year, this is the last year for the deal. Will you dismiss me right here or-" Mauve said when Guran interupts him with a solemn tone

"I.. have one more mission for you."

'Haha.. the last mission, which means it's the last day here..' Mauve thought before pausing for a while to recall his memories.

'I remembered my first mission so clearly and now this, my final mission. I can finally be free, unshackled from the Kingdom.' Mauve exclaimed inwardly while remembering the past.

100 years ago, after Mauve encountered Guran, he asks him to train him. Guran accepted Mauve in under two conditions, one of them is to handle the aura and the other is to work under Guran for 100 years.

At first Mauve was hesitant, but he remembers that he is immortal, that his perceptive of time is different than mortals. He recalls his past host's memories and remembers quite vividly on how he perceive time.

It was faster than normal, which was weird for him. He hesitated, but eventually accepted. 'as long as it benefits me.' is what he thought at that moment.

After that event he have been assigned to missions after missions. At first it was easy but it gradually became harder and deadlier. Mauve has received many kinds of missions, one of the which he recalled was assassination.

Mauve loves to flaunt his power and that is exactly why Guran had taught him the art of assassination as the first subject. It was hard to sneak in and out a place full of people without trace and Mauve learned it the hard way. Which is to actually give him a mission which is affiliated with stealing from bandits.

Mauve had a hard time getting pass through every bandits in their hideout and unfortunately failed his first mission.

Mauve remembered every bit of detail for each and every mission Guran have given him. He was happy for a couple of missions, but it gradually gets more and more stressful. If Mauve is being honest, he is.. unhappy. Living as an assassin wasn't exactly what he had expected.

And now this.. His last and final mission.

He was feeling variable feelings such as elevation, relieveness, and nostalgia.

Those 100 years only felt like a year to Mauve.

Time is relative; it's only worth depends upon what we do to pass it.

Mauve trained, killed, drank, partied through time.

Time was wasted dearly for Mauve,

yes he has gotten quite powerful, but none of that matters if he did not enjoyed it.

So that's why after this last mission, Mauve will live his life to the fullest. There are many things that he wanted to see, experience, and do in this world full of the unexpected.

He wanted to see species of animals or beasts to evolve.

He wanted to travel the world and discover the undiscovered.

Time is inevitable, therefore you have to embrace it instead of waste it.

Mauve accepted the mission that Guran had assigned to him. It.. was not what he had expected. It was an expedition mission to The Garden of Mirror, the home of Glass Wyverns. It is located near The Sorcerer Sarion Dynasty.

(AN: Another OC place. Do not worry, it won't change the main plot of Tensura at all!)

'Why did- *sigh* forget it let's just finish it and get rest.' Mauve thought. It was unexpected of Guran to assign Mauve a mission unrelated to the growth of the country.

The Garden of Mirror is.. lame, Mauve went there a couple of times and it looks deserted, out of place. It was suppose to be the home of the legendary Glass Wyverns, but when Mauve went there, no Glass Wyvern was spotted. The nation's biologist said; that it is very rare to find The Glass Wyvern out in the wild.

So Mauve never went there again, for it is completely irrelevant for him.

It's morning in The Armament Nation Dwargon and Mauve had packed up his necessities and utilities that he might need for the expedition. It is a 5 hour trip from Dwargon Nation to Garden of Mirrors, even with Mauve's ultra fast speed, it's still a far trip.

The Garden of Mirrors is located at the opposite side of the globe. If it's morning here then it's night at the garden of mirrors.

After saying farewell to his companions back at the castle, he speeds off to the legendary garden.

Mauve encountered many new species on the way there, it has been 100 years since he have travelled anywhere. Guran only assigned Mauve into a politically based task, such as finding traitors and basically uncover the covered truth.

Mauve have worked in the dark, spying against rivaling countries, or even destroys many cities inside out using manipulation tactic and deception. He mostly uses his Unique skill: Mystic for undercover mission. When used properly said skill can be as deadly as an eagle that had locked on to a target.

Anyways, as Mauve strays off to the legendary garden, he notices something strange. The Sorcerer Sarion Dynasty.

*DROPPED sorry*