Chapter 42: Plan

There was a tentative stillness and nervousness that was hinged in the warm sighs that escaped the five people present in the room.

It had been five days since Aksel removed his brand and an even longer period since Krentis had met them or confronted the two new Rues on their act. They hadn't exactly been scared but anyone could be to some extent a bit at their wits end when they were awaiting a judgment that was long delayed.

It was another two minutes silence in which Krentis Seated on a chair stared at Aksel and Yve's glowing brand a sign of their success after which he finally cleared his throat grabbing their attention away from each other and at him.

"You must know why I have called you both here today," He started in a mysterious tone waiting for them to show some sign of acknowledgement. When he received a nod from Aksel and with an affirmative air surrounding him he finally unveiled the mystery.