Chapter 52: City in desert

Putting out the fire Aksel made sure that the bags they had brought with them had been well hidden in the crevice of the far end of the cave. The birds had also been left to do what their want and with the sun glimmering out bright still not that hot because of the rain they had gone out to enjoy their habitual flight in the high skies.

"It seems like Krentis had been right when he said that the whole of Borras is under the rule of the Branding System," Renee said as she looked back at Aksel from where she was standing near the entrance.

Aksel nodding at her said, "Well I still have to see the city first to actually make a comment on it."

They had to climb some distance to actually be able to see the city and Aksel had wanted to put it off until he had finished with his meals and lunch for the day. An empty growling stomach was only going to lead them to more problems.