Chapter 54: Roll in sand

Outside in the heat the three of them rolled the drum to the salt field absolutely hating having to do this manual labor. Even then with half a heart they decided to get to work not wanting to put Yve into any problem who was sitting inside with the Exter.

This particular Exter didn't look very strong to any of them and if truth be told they wanted to risk it and bash its skull inside but if this foolish Exter could provide them with an insight of this particular city then maybe they could broaden their knowledge of the System and its limits.

Bending down to shovel the salt into drum Aksel therefore began his work. He had certain hopes from this city for if they sent out salt to all the other cities and maybe even internationally then they would be able to determine the borders of the Branding cities making it easy for them to establish their points and go past them in search of help.