Chapter 59: Celebrity Criminal

"What? Really?" Aksel asked kind of happy and kind of nervous of how much and how well had the Brandeds known him all along to have him become such a wanted criminal. He was excited to know what had the news been telling about him but this excitement was soon curbed by a particular red head who didn't like the flow of conversation as it had been going.

"You can fan girl about it later but can we go somewhere safe first I don't think you wouldn't want your 'celebrity criminal' to be killed, do you?" Yve asked and almost instantly nodding her head in negative the new girl blushed in embarrassment making Yve try to hide a disgusted expression. 

She wasn't doing a good job because Aksel noticed it and wondering why Yve was acting this way he decided to ask later. Brining his attention back on the blonde haired girl he said, "Well we do need a place to hide but tell us your name first, what should we call you?"

"Aster Laverd."