Chapter 83: Poisonous?

"It might look like it is blood but in reality it is a sea weed that provides it with that color," Aster said removing her dipped hand from the red river. It didn't leave any stains on her hand like blood would have and that was a relief to all the other four who had been waiting for her judgment.

Once they had been close enough the red plants were easy to make out but letting her investigate once was what they thought right.

"But I do think that something is odd about this river, for some reason I think that this river has no organisms living in it," She said as she motioned Yve to help her wash her hand with the fresh water that they had been carrying with themselves.

"Do you think that this river is poisonous?" Aksel asked noting how thoroughly she washed her hand.

"That could be a high possibility," she said as she then wiped her hand and sanitized it with some alcohol that she had.