Chapter 106: Village

Their muscles had been stiff and aching from the torture that they had undergone the night before. The cold night had been passed in a state of half sleep and half wakefulness making them more exhausted than they were before.

"I feel as if I had been cramped up in a small box and put in the freezer all night," Renee grumbled stretching out her limbs as she came out of the tent and into the bright morning. It hadn't in itself been any cheerful but comparative to the dark night it had been a stark contrast as the light rays of the sun reflected against the mirror like structure of the frozen lake.

Turing to look at the others she saw them all stood by the large hole in the lake that the monster had created yesterday. Wondering if it was even safe to stand that close she asked, "What do you think are you doing standing there like that? It is not safe at all!"