Chapter 119: Perplexed

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" 

Aksel was perplexed to find all the people that he had loved since to be maintaining a distance from him as if they had caught the plague. 

"And what is he doing here?" he asked with an accusatory tone taking over at the presence of Neo sitting there normally sipping at some of the soup that they had cooked by the fire. The four of them still stayed silent watching his every move and when he wasn't given the answers that he wished for he looked over at Neo only to find him sardonically smiling at him.

Deciding that it would be best to just go to them he tried to get up to a standing position when he found that he had been tied to a tree.

"What the fuck? Why am I tied to a tree? No, wait why is there a tree here?" he asked, the last place that he remembered to be the city of Austellus. It took him a moment to realize that he had in fact been surrounded by trees on all sides, "Are we in the forest?"