Chapter 122: Commodity

"It was a good thing that this was a big car or else one of use would have to fly on the Trosses or you four would have to squeeze in together," mort said glancing back at the set of two seats that were visible to him from his rear view mirror. It was an eight seater flying car of which the last seat had been occupied by neo along with all of the other supplies that they had brought with them.

"I still find it difficult to believe that you decided to come with us," Aksel muttered looking back at Neo once in response to Mort's words making the green man sighs. Neo didn't need to be a genius to guess that Aksel didn't trust him and although he understood his doubts it was getting annoying.

"I had nothing better to do so I thought I would tag along, you got a problem with me?" he asked glaring into the back of his head while Yve jabbed at Aksel's side asking him to behave.