Chapter 130: Shadow

Aksel didn't understand his thoughts in that moment he had jumped but he had been proud of his instincts.

How could he leave Yve behind, potentially to face her death?

He had merely been able to think these two coherent thoughts while eh had been frantically trying to find her. The darkness expanded all around him and even as he looked below there had been no sign of the red head green eyed beauty that he had become used to in his day to day life.

"Yve!" he shouted out but his voice didn't echo and sooner than later he felt something soft smack against his face.

What was that?

Trying to feel around for where he had been and what was this thing that had been suspended in between the abyss, floating in it. When he felt a gasp illicit from somewhere beside him and smoothing soft and spongy like a ball had been in his grip. Trying to assess what exactly it had been he brings his other hand up to it only to suddenly feel a hard slap on his face.