Meeting Her Taskmaster

Olivera's POV:

It was a smaller field, than the one Jeremy was working at, and as I walked behind Leonard, I wondered what my work here would be.

We walked for a couple of more minutes across the field till we came upon girls in the same funny attire in a very large opening in the field, numbering not less than thirty, wheezing around, involved in one activity or the other, ranging from washing to cooking to threshing, and they all acted like we weren't there, like we were invisible.

I was already uncomfortable with the atmosphere, sensing a brewing trouble.

"This is simpler than Jeremy's work, but still tasking." Leonard said, interrupting my thoughts.

" Yeah." I muttered.

"But why are there so many clothes?" I asked, noticing the large heaps of clothes which I was sure was dirty, standing by the corner of a girl, who couldn't be more than 17 years of age.

Was she going to wash all that? I thought, still waiting for an answer from my captor.

"Clothes of pack members. I think I should explain your work better. You would be at the beck and call of the members of this pack, the Omegas included. You do whatever they ask you to do, and of course no payment is involved. That's the cost of you being alive as a rogue in the pack." He replied, staring at me keenly.

So practically, I'm a slave then.

"Is that all there is?" I asked, referring to the throng of activities going on before me.

"Not really. There's the farm work. Some members of the pack prefer to grow their own food, so most times, they get the prisoners to work in their farms for them." He answered, with a shrug.

Farm work? In these modern times? This pack was really crazy. I thought.

"Anything else?" I asked, putting up a strong face, while already fainting on the inside. How was I going to cope here? I just have to though, to survive. And then I remembered my parents and sister. Where were they? Were they alive? And if they were, how were they coping? How were the other fifty rogues coping?

Well, I wouldn't know the answers to this if I'm dead. I have to stay alive, no matter what.

"I don't think so. Remember you could be asked for anything here. I will just advice you to be quick witted and careful, submissive when necessary." Leonard answered, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"And water rushes from that tap over there." He cited with an amused look on his face.

"Okay, thank you." I muttered, grateful that he had spared some time to make me understand, and of course the water. It made me wonder if he would have done the same, if I had a wolf and wasn't attacked by seizures.

"You're welcome, although I don't understand why you're thanking me. I'm not saving you from this work hole, I just told you what I told the others on their arrival. No difference." He said.

I had a feeling it wasn't so.

"About the attire..." I said, dropping the statement halfway, while looking at him quizzically, knowing he would understand.

"The taskmaster here would give it to you. You wear it always, except perhaps when you retire back to your cell." He stated, looking ahead.

"Oh, here comes your taskmaster. Remember, don't question or argue with her ever." Leonard said, causing me to look away from him, to the duo coming towards us, although still at quite a far distance.

A beautiful tall woman, and a….

Oh my God! I shouted in my mind, almost peeing on my pants. The bulky man. The evil bulky man from last night was with her. I shivered uncontrollably, trying to contain and stop the seizures which I could sense was surfacing.

"Hey, pull yourself together. What's the problem?" Leonard asked, staring at me blankly.

" That man…" I stuttered, still racked up by chills. "Is he also a taskmaster here?" I asked, breaking my gaze from the duo, looking everywhere, but at them.

"No. But he does come around sometimes." He replied blandly.

And I could swear that there was a note of contempt in his voice.

I don't think the bulky man was in his good books. It brought me a small relief, for reasons I couldn't explain.

"Okay." I said, slightly relieved at his answer. I couldn't bare seeing the man every day.

As they neared close to us, I could see the features of the woman clearly. She had good curves quite alright, but her eyes stood out. They were cold; cold dark green orbs, a good fit for the evil man who was smirking at me.

A smirk that gave me chills.

"A new one?" The woman asked Leonard, when she got to us.

"Yeah, arrived last night." Leonard replied, holding her cold gaze.

" I see." She said, trailing her eyes over me, from head to toe, till I felt naked and scared.

"So, the slave clothes..." Leonard was saying, when she cut him off.

"I think there is one left, at the house." She said, finally taking her eyes from me.

My sharp intake of breath in relief as she diverted her gaze from me, was cut off when my eyes ran into that of the bulky strange man.

He was looking at me lustfully, and I knew that he was going to be a big problem. A very big problem.

I thought of perhaps telling Leonard later, but I wasn't sure if he would still give me audience in front of his pack members. After all, who would want to be associated with a slave. And I didn't think he could save me from his fellow pack member too; I was a rogue.

But then, I resolved to take his advice even as I darted my eyes away from the man; to be careful and quick-witted. I would avoid the strange man at all costs.

"Hello, what's your name?" The woman, now my taskmaster, asked; interrupting my thoughts.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly, as I stared at Leonard. The quizzical look on his face told me that it wasn't the first time that the woman had called for my attention. I had spaced out again.

"My name is Olivera." I answered, putting up a strong front, determined to survive whatever she might throw my way; at least to see Jeremy again.

"Follow me then, Olivera." She said, before walking off.