You Are The Best

Olivera raised her index finger, stopping Jeremy who finding out that the wicked Alpha would be coming for her the next day, had wanted to say whatever he wanted to say. He should wait till she was done. She thought. After all, whatever he wanted to say wouldn't stop the bad man for coming for her the next day.

So, she stopped his intrusion, and continued her tale.

She told him about the doctor's advise to her-the fact that she had to act king kong in the face of the others in the palace to protect her sanity and dignity, to protect her from being bullied and cast around like rag.

She mentioned the bag of clothes that Nick had gifted them, citing that it was in the stalls, in her lockers,at the same time, giving him the spare key to her locker, since she had two, so that he could have access to the clothes when the Alpha comes and takes her away.

Then, she talked about the acts of her taskmistress and the bulky man from last night, Francis.

She spoke about their callousness, and the protection of Leonard whom the doctor had commissioned to look after her.

Of course, she mentioned Leonard's smart mouth and Francis temper issues, especially when she had unknowingly let out a chuckle, almost to her detriment.

But in all these, she never mentioned, for once, the probability of the Alpha being cursed, or the fact that she had felt pity for him during one of her many discussions with Nick. She didn't mention either, that she was feeling a bit relieved that she would fall into his hands, rather than in the hands of her taskmistress and Francis.

She didn't know why she hadn't mentioned these either.

"That's a lot." Jeremy muttered after some minutes must have passed following Olivera's narration.

"Your day was really eventful, unlike mine." He said, soughing when OLivera drew closer to him, asking that he should tell her about the details of his day.

"But we need to discuss about your matter first. You are taking it so lightly." He stated, havng none of it.

"Taking it so lightly? How else do you advise that I should take it? Huh, Jeremy, tell me. Do you want me to bawl my eyes out in sorrow? Perhaps then, you would know that the situation is upsetting enough to me. Or maybe, you want to see me racked up and down by seizures, then you would see clearly then that I am not pleased with the turn out of events either. Tell me Jeremy. Do you want until I am…" Olivera was still raking, giving her emotions full rein, when Jeremy held out his hand and covered her mouth.

"Olivera, stop. I didn't mean it that way. I am sorry." He said, sighing as she flung his hand away from her mouth with her right hand.

"Sorry for yourself." She stated, gathering the plates which were now empty into the bag. After she was done, she took a swig from the bottle of water she had taken from Nick's refrigerator, then scampered to the other end of the room to sleep.

"Olivera…I am sorry. I just…I can't bare to be seperated from you…I didn't mean to insinuate that you were insensitive or stupid as not to know the gravity of the situation; actually I'm the one that's stupid enough not to understand that your seemingly nonchalancy to the situation was an adopted coping mechanism. I am your best friend, and I should have known that. But I had allowed my selfish reasoning and want to cloud that. I am sorry, Vera. so so sorry. Please forgive me." Jeremy apologized, not moving an inch from his former position-the only difference now was that he was currently on his knees.

Olivera turned away, facing the wall, shrugging her shoulders the next minute, when she felt his slight tap on her shoulders.

She knew she had to forgive him at one point though, well, if she wanted to at least sleep comfortably. The floor was too cold, and she without her wolf, was prone to pneumonia and death if she slept on it without a blanket of some sorts. And since there was none of that, Jeremy was her saving grace. His body was warm enough, and generated enough heat for them both, as all werewolves should be.

So, it was necessary that she slept in his arms.

She signed, whether out of frustration or comfort-she wasn't sure at the moment, when she felt his hands wrap around her waist, his body right behind her, giving her the warmth she solely needed.

If not for the fact that she knew about the matebond of werewolves and their sole attachment to whomsover was their mate, she would have turned around and indulged in a heart and lip warming kiss with him-whatever that was(as she hadn't done either before.)

Of course, she had crushed on him, which girl didn't?

But she had talked and talked herself into the friendzone, not wanting to experience heartbreak at his hand. She didn't want to lose their friendship because of some stupid affection. It was too valuable to trade for a meargre kiss.

"Am I forgiven now?" she heard him ask, and mused.

If she hadnt forgiven him, would she have allowed him to hug her to himself?

She knew of his knowing of her forgiveness, but she also knew that he wanted her to say it out aloud.

"Yes. You are." She replied, a short smile plastering on her lips as she felt him drop a kiss on her hair.

For a second, she wished that she was facing him. Perhaps, the kiss would have dropped on her lips.

What the hell was she thinking? She asked herself the next minute, distressed by her thought pattern that night. Was it because of coldness of the floor and the night?

"Thanks Olivera. You are the best. Don't forget that. Take the doctor's advice too. I think that is the best approach now." He said.


"I will miss you." He mumbled, tightening his hold on her waist, and Olivera cussed, calling on the god of self control. She didn't understand what she was feeling.

"I will miss you too…" She breathed out, hoping that he wouldn't notice the huskiness in her voice.

"Good night." She added hastily, before shutting her eyes tightly, hoping that sleep takes her on its jolly ride soonest.