A Hunter IV

"Jacob..." He heard the old woman's voice again, and his eyes opened and closed drowsily.

He felt a thick sweet liquid in his mouth, and latched on it greedily. Blood. And although it was different and mysterious, he was too hungry to care. He kept on suckling on the old woman's wrist, until she tapped him on the cheek.

"Let go." She said, and he sighed in relief, before letting go of her hand.

"Why would you go around healing her when you're weak from not feeding?" She asked him, and he shrugged, sitting up straight.

"I had no choice." He replied, looking all around him. He noticed that things were frezed. The woman had stopped her time.

"You freezed time?" He asked, incredulity ringing in his voice.

"I had to. You don't want anyone finding out about me. I can't risk that." The old replied, and he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Why?" He asked.