
But the command didn't work. Perhaps, for loss of blood. He thought, staring down at the petite redhead beside him. He decided to shut his eyes, humming a slow melody which he hoped would help her sleep and relieve the pain that was subsiding in her body. The silence in the cabin was broken by creatures singing to one another. The sun was setting, and the land was once more theirs. He didn't know how long he kept up with the eye-shutting. Air filled lungs, a chest rose and fell, a heart began to beat. The rush of agony always overwhelmed him, took his breath, his mind. He lay still, waiting for his mind to accept the atrocities that had been done to his body. Hunger rose, a sharp, gnawing emptiness that could never be assuaged. Rage flooded, consuming him, a need to kill, to fill the terrible emptiness.