Chemistry V

Zendedari cursed his inability to remember basic things, certain they were of great importance to the two of them. If she was as much in the dark as he was, they were in deep trouble. It was frustrating to have so many gaps in his mind.

You are of this land. I feel your connection to this land. I know absolutely that you are mine, that we belong together.

Caitlin shook her head. "My mother was Irish. My father was from this region, but I never even knew him. I arrived here for the first time only a couple of months ago. I swear I've never been here before."

We do not have a disorder, a disease. Our people have existed as they are from the dawn of time.

He did not know where that piece of information came from. It was simply there.

"But that's impossible. People do not require drinking blood to live. I'm a doctor, Zendedari. I do medical research all the time. I know. This is extremely rare." She could feel her breath refusing to leave her lungs.