Concert IV

A small, satisfied smile curved Jacob's mouth at Zande's statement.

 "So this Dedari is your brother. I find that something of a relief. As you hold him in some esteem, I did not want to have to destroy your illusions of his greatness."

She glared at him, furious, until she caught the glint of humor in his golden eyes. He was teasing her. Zande found herself laughing with him.

"Come with me tonight," he said. "We will go for a walk. Dance somewhere. It does not matter, cara, and we will be hurting no one." His voice was black velvet. A sorcerer's whisper of temptation. "Is this so much to ask of you? He does not allow you to choose your own friends? Do as you wish?"

Jacob had looked into her mind, seen her need for independence, her constant chafing at the restraints put on her.