Queries IV

"Is the Prince still alive? Where do they stay?" Zande asked after some minutes of silence had settled in the tent, feeling excitement brimming in her veins. Of course she had always known that Dedari and she were just relatives, not siblings by blood.

And For some reasons she herself couldn't understand, she was feeling elated at finding another next of kin, not that she wasn't satisfied with Dedari-no, far from it. It was just that they would be safer in the company of their kind. Perhaps, she could start by asking them why they were answering the same name with the undead. Don't they have another name, other than 'vampire'?

"As of the time of the vampire's memory, yes. As for their location, that would be northern mountains in the ***" Jacob replied, glad for the second time during this week that his body had somehow retained the archives of information and memories of the vampire.