At Her Concert II

Jacob hummed in pleasure as Zande's music poured over his body. He felt it seep into his bones and move glidelessly through his marrows and joints, bringing so much serenity and peace. It was as if he had no troubles or sorrows to deal with. 

Was this what her music did? Did the others, the humans, feel this way he was feeling right now? He thought, allowing himself to catch a glimpse of the minds of the many humans a few feet away from him. It was the same feeling! A feeling of peace. It was like a healing balm, a chicken soup for the soul. 

This was good! She was an angel, his angel. He thought, unable to stop the excitement coursing through him that she, in her own way, was trying to make things easier for humans, for the world at large. She was serving mankind in her own way. To think that he might have killed her because of the society caused him to cuss and shake his shead. If he saw any of them in this arena, he didn't trust himself not to kill them. 

Due to their fanaticism for supernaturals, they would have erased a useful soul from the world. Thank God he hadn't let that happen. Thank God for the old woman too. He thought, wishing he could see her again. He needed to ask her who Olivera was. He surmised, a smile slithering across his lips when he met the gaze of Zande. 

This time, she was singing for him. He knew. He could tell by the twinkling of her eyes and the personality that her beautiful smile had developed. He smiled back, his chest honing in pride, unconcerned that Dedari had scoffed after seeing the exchanges between them, and walked back to his former position at the western side of the arena to keep watch. 

Good for him. Jacob thought, wishing that the latter would find his life mate soon. He was aware of the thick ton of darkness swirling all over the hunter, and was hoping desperately that it wouldn't consume him. 

"Jacob…you seem happier than before…" 

Jacob heard a voice behind him, and instantly turned, showing more excitement than he would have a normal day on seeing the old woman. 

"Where have you been? I have been waiting for you all these while…" he asked her, taking in her shabby appearance again. Why did the woman always dress this way? Was she hiding something? Or was it just her signature? He wondered, aware that the old woman was aware that he was pursuing her like something he wanted to buy.

 "Well…I have been busy." she replied, standing beside him then. 

Jacob looked up, towards Dedari's position to see if the latter was watching him. He planned to introduce them both, but the old woman gave him the first shock, just like she had always been doing the previous times they had met.

 "Don't worry about that. He isn't able to see me." she said, even though she was still looking straight ahead, and not in the direction of Dedari. 

Jacob furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what she was talking about now. "Why can't he see you now? What did you do?" he inquired, slowly tapping the woman on the shoulder, to be sure that she was no ghost or hallucination right now. 

"It is just one of those things that I can do." she replied. "Besides, it is not necessary that he sees me. I didn't come for him. I came for you." she pointed out, shrugging her shoulders.

 "Okay, I see. But then, if we are talking then, it would seem that I am communicating with air right?" he asked, his eyes unconsciously straying back to Zande, who though was singing, was looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. 

Great! He muttered, whilst hoping that it wouldn't distract her from performing. 

Don't worry about me. I am communicating with the old woman. She seems to think that it is best that she remains invisible to you guys. He sent to her through their mind path, not wanting her to stop spinning her beautiful soothing music which was making the crowd go crazy in a quiet way.

 "Of course. So you should go easy with the demonstrations." she answered. "And I can see that you and the female have somehow managed to move along, probably mate. Does she know that you are still a young boy who somehow managed to be lucky and escape from a harrowing experience with a vampire?" she inquired, piquing her eyebrows, her hands slipping into the oversized pocket of her thick and big overall, as she let her eyes wander across the crowd. 

"Yes, they all know about it." He answered.

"And they accepted you?" She asked again. 

"Yes, they did. I am part of the band now." He stated. 

"That's great. I'm glad that you are fitting in, but you still have to find your family. It is very important. And besides, their family would be coming for them tonight. They are almost here." The woman said.

 "What do you mean? '' Jacob asked, now his own turn to raise up his eyebrows at the information he was getting. The dark one was here? Or was the old woman speaking in parables again. Well, her words didn't sound like parables. If she said that they were here, then probably that was so. 

"You know what I mean. When they come, you will be a step further in finding your real family. So long!" the woman stated, about to turn away and perhaps disappear as usual, but Jacob reached out and caught her by the arm, not caring what the general public might think of them.

 "Wait, don't go yet. I have one last question." he said. 

"And what could that be?" the old woman asked.

 "Who is olivera?" he questioned, letting go of her arm, peering down at her. This close, he noticed that the colors of her eyes were a strange mixture of blue and green. 

"Olivera? Well, Olivera is your real family." she replied, before disappearing into thin air.